I'm getting desperate. Anyone have canker sore relief ideas... ?!

Question: I'm getting desperate. Anyone have canker sore relief ideas... .?
I have a wicked canker sore right on the side of my tongue.

So far, I've scraped it open with my toothbrush and burned it with hot tea. It's throbbing like mad, and I can't talk or eat at all. I keep drooling, too, because the pain is making my tongue salivate but it hurts too much to swallow.

I tried Orajel, but it only burned a lot and relieved the pain for a minute or two. Saltwater rinses make it hurt even worse for a good 3 hours afterward.

Anyone have tips.? Pain relief, healing techniques, anything.?Health Question & Answer

Aw, Bel....

Here are a few home remedies I found online:

Baking soda. Make a baking soda and water paste and apply to the canker. Baking soda is also a component of a canker sore mouth rinse (see "Salt", below).

Cranberry juice. Drink this juice between meals: It's both a pain reliever and canker healer.

Honey. Mix 1 teaspoon honey with 1/4 teaspoon turmeric and dab it on your canker. This one may sting a bit.

Salt. Combine 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking soda, and 2 ounces hydrogen peroxide. Mix and rinse your mouth with it four times daily. If the taste is too strong, or the tingle uncomfortable, dilute with 2 ounces water. You can also just rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water. Or, if you're brave, just apply a little salt directly to your wound.

Tea. Moisten a regular tea bag and apply it directly to the canker. The tannic acid will help dry it out.

Home Remedies From the Freezer

Ice. This won't make the canker disappear, but it will sure make it feel better. Simply apply ice or rinse your mouth with ice water.

I would start with the tea. When I was in insane agony from having my wisdom teeth removed in March my mom told me to put tea bags on them, and it really helped alleviate the pain. Myrrh (like one of the gifts the wise men brought baby Jesus : ) & arnica were also really helpful.

Plum juice is also supposed to be helpful.

Maybe taking Exedrin PM or something would help you to sleep. A bit of warm Kahlua mixed in w soy milk is also soothing.....and yummy!

There are links to other sites below w some more ideas.

I hope it heals soon. Avoid anything acidic or sour. No sour skittles for you for a while!!!

((((Hugs))))Health Question & Answer

if you hve a orthodonist ( you could probley just go to a random one) they have this thing called brace relife, it is the **** and it works wonderfully :]Health Question & Answer

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