Help with this from someone who knows about the liver?!

Question: Help with this from someone who knows about the liver.?
Hi everyone,

About 2 weeks ago I had gone to the ER with shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness and weakness. I had a EKG, chest x-ray and bloodwork done, and everything came back normal except for the liver enzymes which were elvated and I was told they were "in the hundreds". I went to see my PCP and she ordered her own set of blood work and tested me for everything that could be causing this - the main things anyways - such as hepatitis (all forms) diabetes, mono, cholesterol, etc. and everything came back negative except for the liver enzymes again. The first test came back at 242 and the other at 131. (Not sure which was which) and it feels like my liver is huge and is pushing into my rib cage every time I sit down or lay down. I am now having pain in my back (low) and on the other side of my stomach where my spleen is and it feels like my kidneys might be involved as well. Im just not sure. I am supposed to go for a liver sonogram on Tuesday morning (10/7/08) but I just dont know what to expect or if I should even wait that long..I kind of almost feel like I should go back to the ER. I feel sick all over and weak, and also the glands on the sides of my neck and on my forearm are swollen. I am seriously scared and any insight would be much appreciated!!!Health Question & Answer

You need to get a referral to a specialist if this continues. If your enzymes are high that might indicate a fatty liver. It also might mean that you have a viral infections. This is a very helpful web site. I hope they ordered a CT scan on you because if you are having abdominal pain it could be caused by a bile duct that is block or you have a infection of the gallbladder. Good luck. Question & Answer

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