Weird problem with nose?!

Question: Weird problem with nose.?
about 4-5 years ago, in the summer before i turned 14, i got a really bad sunburn/sunpoisoning on my nose. i got a sun blister and everything. afterwards, my nose peeled and then i thought that was the end of it...but ever since, my nose has been really strange. my nose is always greasy.?. like ill rub my finger on it and pull it away and its shiny (i know...thats really gross and weird). and sometimes, if i wipe my nose, i have to be careful or ill end up making my nose peel and small white flakes will be all over (even grosser and stranger). top that off, i get small white heads or flakes on like the crevices of my nose/nostrils. this usually shows after i shower and ill have to take a tissue and try to rub it away. i remember asking my doctor about it and he said it was just simple acne and i could get clearasil...but that never worked. is it possible this is cancerous or something else serious.?Health Question & Answer

Listen to your doctor. Skin cancer has a particular look, and is quite recognizable, so if you've already asked your doctor, odds are it's not. If you're extremely concerned, see a dermatologist, but fact of the matter is, it sounds absolutely normal to me...

Sounds just like you have combination skin on your nose. I guess it's possible that the sunburn changed the skin's type from normal to combination (means oily and dry at the same time) Clearasil is not the only thing you can use.

For the white heads, seriously, get something like Biore strips, or do a mud masque. Mud masques are amazing for helping to balance your skin... also look into spearmint/peppermint cleansers, and cucumber cleansers, all will help with the situation.

If you are concerned, and no OTC wash is working, see a dermatologist..Health Question & Answer

It's nothing serious. i have it too. it's just dead skin really. it's all normal. just pull away the dead skin and go on with your day.Health Question & Answer

you could easily get skin cancer on your nose.

but I would try moisturizing. a lot. that will take care of the flakes.Health Question & Answer

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