Who can help me my sinuses are closed?!

Question: Who can help me my sinuses are closed.?
well i think one is anyway for as long as i can remember i have had bad mucus and needed to blow my nose a lot i am a bit better now although my nose still causes me problems. i have bad mucus still but my left nostril(not trying to be disgusting) but if i put my finger up it it stops and the hole that should be there is completely closed and if my check my other one (right nostril) its completely open i can clearly feel the difference i don't know whats wrong and i have had this for a very long time and i never considered going to the doctor. its definitely not a cold or anything cause i am feeling fine but its constantly closed which makes it harder to breath please if anyone can give me any advice on what i should do i would be really helpfulHealth Question & Answer

Definitely you should see a doctor. It could be simple allergies but you may have a much more complicated problem, like polyps blocking your nasal passage. An ear, nose & throat specialist can diagnose your condition quickly.Health Question & Answer

the doctor is always there if you need one, but maybe you don't. Try some cold medicine, and usually, if you get a chili pepper and put it right under your nose, it clears up my sinuses. hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

u need to see an ENT asap.. Health Question & Answer

The answer for my infected sinuses was a steam room. It helped a lot. also the specialist (ear, nose throat specialist) gave me somekind of anti-biotic that came in a pack - you take 6 one day, 5 the next day, 4 the next day, 3, 2, and 1. That cleared up the infection. also he gave me steriod that unshrunk my sinuses, they were swollen.
The steam opened up my sinuses so that the pus could drain out. That meant that the infection did not come back.
(I had a sinus infection for months. Doctors gave me rounds and rounds of anti-biotics, but it never went away. Because all the pus was trapped inside my clogged up sinuses and they could not drain.)Health Question & Answer

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