Anyone with current or really recent Rotavirus experience?!

Question: Anyone with current or really recent Rotavirus experience.?
My family has had this virus for about a week and I'm not sure if it is Rotavirus or not, but its definitely not your basic 24 hour one. My 4 year old had it first and started with throwing up all night last Sunday night. Then he threw up a couple of times that Monday. He had diarrhea for a few days after. On Tuesday night, my 18 month old threw up once and his diarrhea started around Thursday and he still has it. I've had diarrhea since Thursday as well and felt very sick to my stomach, but have not thrown up. My husband is about the same. We haven't eaten much since being sick. My 4 year old seems to be over it now, with just a little bit of a loose bowel. But I worry about the baby. He is still eating and drinking but will he be able to get over this without antibiotics.? I think me and my husband are just about over it and we haven't taken anything but Immodium. I've been giving the baby Immodium too, but his bowel movements are so loose and stinky that I almost get sick changing him. Should I wait it out a few more days.?Health Question & Answer

I'd recommend NOT using immodium in this case, or any time the diarrhea is caused by an infection. Immodium will cause the virus to stay in the system longer where it can do more damage.

Babies can get dehydrated very easily, so it's critical that you put as much fluid into him as you can: water, juice, soup. If his urine becomes concentrated (dark, and less of it) this is a sign that he's dehydrated. Another danger sign is if he becomes lethargic- too sleepy or groggy. If you see these signs, get him to a doctor or ER right away.

The virus can continue to be passed from one family member to the next, over and over again, if you don't use good sanitation. So it's very important that you wash your hands thoroughly every time you change a diaper. Use bleach to clean the toilet (especially the toilet handle), all the doorknobs in the house, and use a diluted bleach solution to clean all of your children's toys. Disinfect everything that may have come into contact with poop or hands: light switches, changing table, everything you touch.

Rotavirus is spread by the fecal-oral route, which means that all of you have been infected by getting traces of feces into your mouths. Wash your hands, wash your kids' hands, get your husband to wash his hands. Use hand sanitizer throughout the day.

Keep a close eye on that baby and if you have any doubts, get him to the doctor. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

There's not a lot you can do except for make sure that no one gets dehydrated, and to wait it out. Antibiotics are completely ineffective against viral illness, which is probably what you have (rotavirus is one of a few possible culprits!). Most viral illnesses like this will be gone after 10 days - what fun!

As far as I understand, it's not safe to give Immodium to children under 12 years old, unless it's been specifically recommended by a doctor. Best to check up on this one!

Health Question & Answer

The post above this is correct. Dehydration should be your biggest concern right now. If your baby (or any of you) are unable to keep fluids down, or are showing signs of severe lethargy, you should go into the ER immediately. Illness due to Rotavirus will usually pass through quickly in people who are normally healthy, but can be extremely dangerous to the old, the very young, and those with compromised immune systems. I suggest taking your baby in to see your regular pediatrician, and he/she will be able to evaluate whether there is need for IV fluids. Once the body begins shutting down due to dehydration, it is very difficult to reverse.

Antibiotics are useless against Rotavirus, as it is viral, not bacterial. However the doctor will be able to prescribe an anti-emetic and/or something to stop the diarrhea. Again, preventing dehydration is the best remedy in these situations.

Besides this being my chosen profession, I am also speaking in regards to your question above. My family and I recently suffered through this as well, however I was the only one hospitalized. By the time I reached the hospital I was unconscious, only 5 hours after the initial onset of vomiting/diarrhea.

If you have any concerns at all about you or your family, do not hesitate to see a physician. Never forget that often your instincts as a mother will outweigh any signs to the contrary as regards your children's health. I say this as a virologist -and- a mother.Health Question & Answer

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