Why do they not advise you to take more than one anti-acid medication at once?!

Question: Why do they not advise you to take more than one anti-acid medication at once.?
I have really bad heartburn/sour stomach sometimes, and by mistake I took prevacid and maalox together. It did the trick.

But why do they advice us against using more than one at a time.?Health Question & Answer

Those two are fine to take together. One limits acid production (Prevacid) and the other calms the acid (Maalox). Prevacid is wonderful in my opinion, but it does take about a week to get the symptoms under control.

You shouldn't take things like Maalox and Alk-Seltzer together because they can react with each other, and make you very sick, sometimes damaging your stomach further.

Odds are, in the situation, the Maalox did the trick. As I said, Prevacid needs a few days to build up and work, it is not like Zantac or Pepsid. Prevacid needs to be taken daily until your prescriber tells you to stop. I was on it for months to take care of my acid reflux, it worked wonders but it didn't work until about day 5. I was chewing Tums up until then... And even after, if things kicked up, I still needed Tums. But, really, you are supposed to wait I believe 2 hours after taking something like Prevacid, because other antacids can keep the medication from metabolizing efficiently.Health Question & Answer

well think of it this way
mom and dad get married (medicine together goes into the body)
mom and dad have different opinions on lets say life (2 chemicals mix from the medicine)
Mom and dad get into a fight about their opinions (the chemicals have negative results with each other)
Mom and dad divorce and move out (you get a rumbly in your tummy and hurl)Health Question & Answer

Because there might be certain chemicals/ingredients in the medications that would have a negative reaction with each other, which could cause something bad to happen in your system.Health Question & Answer

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