Do I have asthma...or am I just really out of shape?!

Question: Do I have asthma...or am I just really out of shape.?

I'll start off my saying that I know that I'm out of shape. I'm 5 foot 4, 230lbs, and just turned 20years old. I dont exercise a lot so I dont have a lot of stamina. However, when I do exercise, after about 15 minutes of vigorous exercise (usually ddr), I my heart pounds really fast and I wheeze a lot. It takes me about 5-10 minutes to get my heart rate back to normal, but my breathing feels at least a little stressed for a few hours afterwards. I also have this pain in my chest sometimes, it sorta feels like there is a bruise on my chest, and it only really hurts if I press it. also, I remember when I was in high school (I was overweight then too) I would always skip school on the days that I had a chest cold, because I could not handle climbing three flights of stairs to one of my classes. One time when I had a chest cold I did go to school, and by when I got up to the third floor, I rushed to the girls bathroom, dropped my bookbag, and leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath. I really thought something was seriously wrong. When I got to class, the girl sitting next to me even asked if I was alright. also, I can even remember in 3rd grade when this kid yelled at me for breathing too loud. I've always been a loud breather, but I've also always been overweight. I also get panic attacks sometimes. My mom has asthma and uses primatine mist. I dont want to be a drama queen and assume I have asthma, because I know being overweight makes you out of breath, but I dont know. Sometimes even walking gets me out of breath. What do you thinks going on.?

also, I had my blood pressure checked recently and it was fine.Health Question & Answer

You sound exactly like me, stature and everything. Sometimes when I push myself too hard I get exercised-induced asthma. I have an emergency inhaler for it just in case the wheezing gets too bad. I have normal blood pressure like you too. You just need to start out slow and you'll gradually build up endurance and be able to exercise longer and/or harder. Take it for someone who has been there. I know it's hard to resist the urge to want to run faster or hard to not compare yourself and how fast you're running to the person next to you at the gym, but if you start out at an average pace and then work your way up, you'll be able to exercise without wheezing and exercise will be more fun.Health Question & Answer

i really think ur pushing urself too much even though u dont work out much just take it slow and then u'll be able to do more and more exercise with time good luck, it doesnt sound that u have asthmaHealth Question & Answer

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