What is worse? constantly getting high or constantly getting drunk?!

Question: What is worse.? constantly getting high or constantly getting drunk.?
Alcohol is so, so, so much worse for you than marijuana. It leads to physical dependence and can kill you. It destroys your liver, and you can actually die from Alcohol withdrawals. Marijuana, while not good for you, is nowhere near as dangerous as alcohol can be. As someone who has known both avid drinkers and avid smokers, I have witnessed that the effects of alcohol are so much more devastating than the effects of marijuana.Health Question & Answer

They are both bad and each has it's own demons. If someone is constantly getting high or drunk they are abusing their body. Each substance effects different parts of ones body and organs. What I have heard from a number of people is that drinking brings someone to their "bottom" very slowly. Combining drugs and alcohol makes the fall to the bottom tens times faster. They are both bad and if someone is using constantly they need to seek help. Health Question & Answer

It depends on what a person is using to get high. Some things can kill the first time they are used (sniffing inhalants for instance). Alcohol can also kill if overdone, and, of course, both alcohol and drugs can kill if a person operates a vehicle while drunk or high.

Overall, a person should figure out why he or she wants to be drunk or high constantly.

Health Question & Answer

Both are gross, I drink (I'm 31) but NEVER get drunk as you put it, tipsy is nice, nothing sexier than a girl or even guy for that matter falling all over themself ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww but drugs I have absolutly no tollerance for! if you drugs,better get the f*** on and away from me...Health Question & Answer

Getting high is worse. The chemicals in mj "make holes" in your brain, cutting off neural pathways and therefore eventually lowering your thinking skills...i.e. making you stupid. Getting drunk all the time is also bad, but the liver can slightly regenerate. Both are bad. Think moderation.Health Question & Answer

Alcohol is MUCH worse than marijuana. Alcohol: kills your brain cells, destroys your liver, can become addicting, can make you violent, you can DIE (alcohol poisoning).

Marijuana: does NOT kill brain cells (that is a myth), is less addicting than chocolate, does not cause lung cancer, and there is not a single reported death caused by marijuana.

If you ever wondered why it's illegal: http://blogs.salon.com/0002762/stories/2...

Anyone that still believes marijuana puts holes in your brain must be tripping balls.Health Question & Answer

They're both pretty bad.

The alcohol from drinking damages the liver and could cause liver failure later on in life.

Smoking weed kills brain cells that CANNOT come back. Once brain cells are gone, they won't be back.

My guess would be the weed.Health Question & Answer

Alcohol is toxic and the risks are much worst than cannabis.

But constantly getting high/ drunk both would suck.

And this answer is kind of obvious. Health Question & Answer

getting drunk is much worse. never been proven that weed kills brain cells and makes you stupid, getting drunk really messes up your liver and getting high...well i dont see anything wrong with weed.Health Question & Answer

Well alcohol is legal but neither are truly worse in my opinion. Both show a lack of self control.

Sorry if that offends anyone...Health Question & Answer

drunk it affects your liver funtion which is worse than getting stupidHealth Question & Answer

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