My child is driving me crazy please advice?!

Question: My child is driving me crazy please advice.?
my 5 year old girl keeps peeing on herself and even sometimes at school but she has nothing wrong with her.? i have been crying about it because this is my adopted daughter of two years now and i just don't understand whats wrong. could she have an infection with no signs except she can't hold her pee.?Health Question & Answer

Could be stress, she is too young to say so loses it. Could be nerves and they are not telling her she needs to go ot the loo so she does not go.

Could be a load of things, I would dress her in pull ups type knickers and take her to the toilet every 15 minutes just like you train a puppy with a reward if she performs, a cuddle is OK. Then she might latch on to doing it right but if it is stress, or bladder nerves she will need more then this.

Is there a helpful Mum around who could talk to her gently. Or if all else fails the paediatrician is your only bet.

She is only five but should be dry by now.

She is far too young to explain emotions. Best of luck and if I can help further do email me. GHealth Question & Answer

Im presuming she has been checked out by the doctor. I would be wanting to talk to a child psychologist to try determine what is wrong and why she is doing this. It could be something so simple or something so complex. Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

Take her to the Doctor and explain what's happening, it could a combination of things that makes her do that.Health Question & Answer

i honestly doing know what to tell you but she might have bladder problems but if not you should probably go to a doctor or nurse to see whats rongHealth Question & Answer

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