What happens if a person only takes a little ecstasy?!

Question: What happens if a person only takes a little ecstasy.?
If a person were to take like 1/4 of an ecstasy pill what would happen.? Would you have the same effect only less time.? Would it bring you down less the next day.? Would you even notice you were high.?Health Question & Answer

You would definitely feel something even taking half a pill make you cracked out the next morning. It depends on many things... The size of the person, if you had anything to eat the day before and today, what color the pill, does it have a score on it, how are you taking the pill- snorting it, swallowing it, parachutting it, etc. Are enhacers involved.? The answer would be yes but not as strong. Is it worth it, no!Health Question & Answer

It depends on the strength of the pill (triple stack or not), but Im going to say nothing would really happen. It also depends on the size of the person. Assuming they are not an anorexic- 80lb person, nothing would happen.Health Question & Answer

not really. if your gonna roll, you should take a full pill or go home. maybe it would have SOME effect if it was a triple stack, but it also depends on the base of the XHealth Question & Answer

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