Pain in my leg that won't go away?!

Question: Pain in my leg that won't go away.?
I am 21 weeks pregnant but I really don't think it has anything to do with my problem. I have had persistent pain in my knee and a little above it. It feels as though I have pulled a muscle but I have not done anything that would have caused that. I can barely lift it upwards and sleeping has proven impossible at times. It gets a little better something and then worse others. I had to pretty much crawl to the bathroom last night. It pops a little sometimes and last night it ached like rheumatism pain that I got a lot as a child but with the extra pain of like a pulled muscle. Has anyone had this before.? Its just in my right knee.Health Question & Answer

You should inquire of your obstetrician as to what this is. Of all the times that I was pregnant, I never experienced this sort of thing. That doesn't mean that you couldn't have some strain related to the pregnancy. I certainly would want to know why that pain is persistent. What shall we then say to these things.? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us.? - Romans 8:31 The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19 I wish you and your loved ones continued success. Peace!!!Health Question & Answer

If you have had this for a long time since you where in childhood I recommend you seeing your doctor about this matter but if they have just started and in another way came back this is quite natural but I do recommend seeing a doctor.

Straight Answer:If you have persistent pain, catching, or swelling in your knee, a procedure known as arthroscopy may help relieve these problems.

Arthroscopy allows an orthopaedic surgeon to diagnose and treat knee disorders by providing a clear view of the inside of the knee with small incisions, using a pencil-sized instrument called an arthroscope. The scope allows transmission of an image of your knee through a small camera to a television monitor. The image allows the surgeon to thoroughly examine the interior of the knee and determine the source of the problem. During the procedure, the surgeon also can insert surgical instruments through other small incisions in your knee to remove or repair damaged tissues.

With improvements of arthroscopes and higher resolution cameras, the procedure has become highly effective for both the accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of knee problems.Health Question & Answer

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