At what point does CPR become necrophilia?!

Question: At what point does CPR become necrophilia.?
Doug for President.Health Question & Answer

Well, necrophilia technically is a sexual attraction to the dead or a corpse.

When you're performing CPR generally from what Ive been told is when a person is not breathing it takes 4 minutes for potential brain damage to occur and approx 8 min to be considered clinically dead...this does not mean the person is dead. There is the possibility of resuscitation through shock and epinephrine and atropine.

Remember, CPR is done on someone who has stopped breathing or in cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is when the heart goes into systole which is the contraction of the heart...basically the heart contracts but doesn't release to allow diastole to occur (diastole is when the blood fills the heart). Technically that person is still alive.

So, in a nut answer your question....necrophilia is more leaning towards the mortician who has a sexual attraction to the corpses that came in after CPR and all other forms of resuscitation failed.Health Question & Answer

i dont feel like it does unless the person gave cpr to make out with a dead person. a caring person giving cpr to a dead person isnt a necropheliac if they are trying to save a life. i thought necroph. were only so if they had intercourse.?Health Question & Answer

When the victim dies and you molest it's corpse.Health Question & Answer

umm when the victim dies and the rescuer uses tongueHealth Question & Answer

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