My hair is falling out, help?!

Question: My hair is falling out, help.?
I have always had really healthy hair and within the last 6 months I've been shedding like a cat. I haven't noticed and thin areas or bald spots anywhere in my hair, if anything it seems as thick as always. But I always have about a thousand hairs falling out each day. When I brush my hair I clean it out every time. I don't have money or insurance to go to a doctor, but I wanted to know if anyone had any ideas of why I'm shedding so much. I know that everyone loses about 200 hairs a day and that's normal but over a thousand.? It comes out in big strands at a time, even if I just brush my fingers through it. Please help, I need to know what might be going on.Health Question & Answer

Don't worry.....
My hair falls out like that too, whenever i brush it, the brush is full of hair. during the day i find my hair like on my clothes and when i run my fingers through it more comes out.
As long as u dont have bald spots you shouldnt worry.
If u notice bald spots, you should go see a doctor.Health Question & Answer

You need to find a way to get to a doctor. It could be something minor but there is also the possibility it could be some type of poisoning, radiation sickness, cancer or many other diseases you really don't want to be left untreated. Health Question & Answer

Jesi, have you recently been to Transylvania and have you been bitten by a big, ugly dog.? Have you recently developed a dislike for garlic and the cross.? Have you used a mirror recently and had trouble finding yourself.?Health Question & Answer

For hair loss you can try this remedy. Mix 1 egg, 2.5 tablespoons milk powder and 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.
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