Why am I always cold lately?!

Question: Why am I always cold lately.?
It's freakin freezing in here Mr. Bigglesworth!
The temperature dropped outside in the last week or so. 40-60 degree ranges. I am always cold now. Super ice cold, shivering under blankets, make people jump when you touch them cold. I don't have a fever - my body feels cold pretty much all over. What could be causing this.? It's like 65 in my house and I shouldn't be this cold. (I'm usually a very warm person too with hot hands so this has been driving me nuts) ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Turn up the thermostat first. Take a hot bath and build a fire if you can. Have you lost a lot of weight lately.? Not eating and weight loss will make your body inefficient at maintaining body core temperature control. Health Question & Answer

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