Is it possible to survive on fresh fruit and vegetables i.e. with no cooking involved?!

Question: Is it possible to survive on fresh fruit and vegetables i.e. with no cooking involved.?
I have had a normal diet over the past 20 years and was wondering if such a drastic change in diet will affect me and how. Health Question & Answer

ok.. first at all, make really really sure what you want to do. you can live without cooking, but a diet of only fruits and veggies you cannot do. you need good protein you need fat.. that is essential for your body. you need at least 12% of fat in your diet at least... remember that is one of the major fuel for energy just like carbs.. so i recommende you to see a dietician before you do anything. ok.?Health Question & Answer

Fruits and vegetables lose nutrients when cooked, but some require it e.g. potatoes and grains such as rice. But there's no dietary reason to eat cooked food. How did humans survive before they discovered fire, and animals long after that, in fact to the present day.?

If you change, there will be some side effects as your body adjusts.
Any special reason you want to try this.? Power getting too expensive, perhaps.?Health Question & Answer

I'd imagine you'd have a lack of energy at first. Umm, your diet would be lacking in protein. For the most part fresh fruit and veggies are healthier than cooked, but there are a few that offer benefits when cooked, tomatoes being one that I can think of off the top of my head. That's all the info I have, hopefully you'll get some other answers too. Good luck whatever you decide.Health Question & Answer

Yes, this is the best diet for man (and woman).

This is how nature intended it, it will get boring but it supports great health.

Our ancestors lived this way, until they discovered fire and cooking (meat consumed raw was tough).

Health Question & Answer

Yes you do the animals.we are part of the animal kingdom so we can.Health Question & Answer

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