What's the main cause of diarrhea?!

Question: What's the main cause of diarrhea.?
ive been having diarrhea everyday for like a week, like anything i eat just goes right through , and i get these cramps right before.
what could be wrong.?Health Question & Answer

Your colon is trying to flush itself out.Work with it. Give it a rest. Eat light and low fiber,no milk, fats or cheese till your are doing better. There is the BRAT diet. The letters stand for Banana,rice,applesauce and Toast (dry) Jello, clear soup and clear juices( Apple juice has Pectin in it, (good for balancing) diluted with water. All good to help stop Diarrhea. You can dehydrate so you must push fluids. Causes are many: Colitis, food allergy's, food poisoning, flu, Crones Disease, medications, Celiac Disease, Amebic Dysentery or some other irritation. If this is going on numerous times each day you must seek medical attention. If your evacuations are watery once or twice a day at stool it may be controllable with over the counter meds. Kaopectate. PeptobismalHealth Question & Answer

Well, you need to lay off of the yes. Oh, George, they didn't no. But of course if you wanted to stop the Hershey's Squirt, then they will stop running in your jeans like jelly from the belly. Now, increibly I've found this to work on many occasions where patients in need of perplexing facets of hang time dang. Whip.

Sheets of brown ointment that smell like grape juice because you drank too much of it. So it just keeps coming out.

So she said, "My love for you is like diarhea. I just can't hold it in.""

So it just keeps coming out like.

Like the Celine Dion song, "It's all coming out, its all coming out of me now."

You need to just stop eating. Stop drinking. Let your body heal itself.Health Question & Answer

You may have Gastrointeritis, viral infection. Or have you started antibiotics recently.?Health Question & Answer

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