Is it possible for me to be addicted to my bf's kisses?!

Question: Is it possible for me to be addicted to my bf's kisses.?
Sounds funny, I know. Me and my bf were talking the other day because he smokes a lot of cigarettes, and I made a joke about being addicted to his kisses from all the nicotine on his lips, but after we thought about it, we wondered if it's actually physically possible. So, what's your take.? Could it happen.?

If it matters, a pack of Tops lasts him about 3 days, but he can smoke as much as a pack and a half (boxed cigarettes) a day.Health Question & Answer

Impossible. there is no such thing as a lip addiction. nicotine needs to be inhaled or put into ur gum lining (chewing tobacco cuts your gum lining to get the nicotine into your system) So your answer is no. there never has been nor will there be a twelve step program for lips.Health Question & Answer

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