Today I had a small bloody nose?!

Question: Today I had a small bloody nose.?
But I am not sick and I usually get them when i am sick, but I know when you blow your nose theres some blood but this was kind of a lot. It was pretty warm in the room i was in could it be that.?It happened during class and it was small like i just felt my nose and there was blood but I cleaned it up and it didn't bleed anymore. Will it happen again.?Health Question & Answer

warm dry air will do that to you. See a doctor if it worsen or happens several times in a short period of time.

Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you could have a weak membrane in the lining of your nose.

You can either put up with it, or go see a doctor and ask about having the nose lining cauterised. This scars the membrane so that it doesn't bleed so much. I had it done a few years ago and it stopped the bleeds. I used to get them when I was too hot, when I had done a lot of flying with work, or when I was stressed.

I still sometimes get them, but not so much as I used to.

Avoid picking your nose and blowing too hard, so giving the membrane time to heal. If you think it might be due to the dryness of the air, then you can get over-the-counter products from the chemist/pharmacy that will help to keep it moist and help the lining to heal.Health Question & Answer

i get nosebleeds all the time! i live in LA so it might have something to do with the weather and how it's always so hot... i actually asked my docter about it and he said i should get it coterized (i did - they only do one nostril at a time though :p) and that side doesn't bleed anymore!

so just try putting some vasaline up there - it might just be the warm weather, but if its still happening when it's not hot out, ask your docter Health Question & Answer

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