Will hives go away after the cause of the stress is gone?!

Question: Will hives go away after the cause of the stress is gone.?
I had major surgery on thursday and before that I broke out in really bad hives everywhere. Will the hives go away soon.? also will using the anti-microbial soap from my surgery help them go away.?
thanksHealth Question & Answer

If the stressor goes away, then the hives should go away too. When you find yourself getting really stressed again, they might come back. When you're stressed, just listen to music or take a walk. Taking a walk always helped me. The scenery kind of takes me out of my head. I'm not sure if the anti-microbial soap will help, but if you take a benedryl, that should help. I'm not sure if you're allowed to since you just had surgery, but you should ask if you can. If you can, I would take that, it really helps with allergic reactions and hives and stuff. It makes you very tired though.

Good luck and God Bless!Health Question & Answer

Stress does not cause hive, allergies do. Was your medication changed.? You should report your hives to your doctor because you may be having an allergic reaction to one of your meds. If not meds, what about food, laundry detergent, perfume, or anything else that you eat or put on your skin. Benedryl can help with the reaction but you should find out what is causing it because some allergies can become life threatening.Health Question & Answer

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