Epileptic, no job, no license, no health insurance and suicidal?!

Question: Epileptic, no job, no license, no health insurance and suicidal.?
I am about to end it. I had my license pulled for having seizures and had to quit my career making 30k a year. I live in the middle of nowhere. Id have to walk to work and the closest place is a store a mile away. also, before i became epileptic I was engaged and had a little girl. I became too much for "him" to take so he kicked me out now I am a single mom with no license, seizures and no job. I am about to get evicted and Im typing this at the local library because my electric is shut off. I was denied disability. I was denied unemployment due to quitting my job.

My meds are $600 a month and I have seizures while on them and am cutting them in half. How is someone like this supposed to live.? I have nothing but a 3 year old who Im about to lose due to having epilepsy. How can the govt not support truly disabled people and just pull a rug out from under them expecting them to do what for income.? I have no way out other than suicide or living in a box.

I don't even know why Im asking for help no one on here gets it.Health Question & Answer

First off, yeah you got your license pulled because you were having seizures while driving. You could kill others. That is why pilots cannot have an epileptic condition. Or diabetic.
Getting back to your problem. The medication you were on does not work. Go back to your doctor. Only they can prescribe medication. There is only 200 different kinds for epilepsy. That does not work - we try something different and "maybe".
Now you can cry, or you can kick butt. It is up to you. You are denied disability because epilepsy is treatable.
You QUIT your job. Epilepsy or not, quitting causes denial of unemployment payments. You didn't give them a good reason for why you quit. Move closer is their answer. Totally unrelated.
Cutting meds in half just screws you. But the fact that those particular ones don't work, just means "those are not the ones for your condition" Again see the doctor. If not the family doctor try a neurologist.(brain doctor) It is their specialty.
"They" cannot take the child away from you UNLESS you are not taking care of yourself."
Yeah, you can quit. Remember, Caesar was an epileptic, and some other world leaders had epilepsy...but did you read "world leaders" also Michelangelo had it.
You are only as bad as you think you are. There are others worse off (wheelchair people and still going strong).Health Question & Answer

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