Do you think i could have ADD?!

Question: Do you think i could have ADD.?
First off let me say I am going to the doctor's for this on Wed. i just want to know what everyone thinks. Ever since i could remember i have always had trouble in school. I try so hard to pay attention in class i would even sit some where far away from my friends in class and i would try to pay attention to what the teacher is saying and then out of no where my mind starts drifting.. I can read but i can't comprehend what i read even if i read out loud. I usually have to read something over and over to actually understand what i am reading. when I am telling stories i will sometimes stop in the middle of the story and forget what i am talking about (people use to think i was making things up because of this when i was little) and i also jump around from subject to subject when I'm talking as well. At night i have a hard time falling asleep because i have so many things racing threw my head, which makes me really tired threw out the day and not alert. I want to know about this because in high school i passes with "C" as most of my grade because i struggled so much but i was really trying. And I'm 19 now and starting College soon and I'm scared i wont be able to pay enough attention in class or i will get bad grades. If i do have this do you think it is a bad idea to get on the medication.? i heard it could be bad to get in the medication but i also heard if you don't take care of ADD when you are younger it can get worse as an adult.?

Any doctors or someone with ADD or know things about it want to tell me what they think that would be cool =) thanks for your help.Health Question & Answer

ya, thats a.d.d

i usually strongly advise against medicine, because its extremely risky to take on a long term basis and can be damaging even if u only take it for a couple days.There are 2 types of medication mainly.Amphetamines(similar to methamphetamine, crystal meth) and methylphenidate(very similar to cocaine). Both of them having a high potential for bodily/mental harm and addiction. Sadly these powerful chemicals are marketed to parents who want their kids to be "normal", who don't even know how harmful these meds can be to their children.

Side affects include: chest pain, irregular heart rhythm, heart failure, sudden death(proven), psychosis(abnormal thoughts, hallucinations),weight loss, stunted growth(minor2-3 inches), depression , anger, blurred vision,drowsiness(strange but true),addiction,sleeping issues, paranoia , and loads of bad things that haven't been proven yet.

I've personally experienced all of these excluding sudden death, and trust me, none of these are fun at all, especially addiction at age 12.The hallucinations are just things moving around, and seeing lights, can be very scary at night.

as for your classes, if u pick classes you are interested in, you will always be able to pay attention.Health Question & Answer

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