You can't force anyone into rehab?!

Question: You can't force anyone into rehab.?
My mom is really sick and needs some help! She has already been to rehab 3 times with her alcohol addiction, but I doubt she will agree to go again by choice. The last time we got her to go was about a year ago where my dad threaten to leave her which ended with the cops coming. She went but seem traumatized by the experience after the third time. (I don't know if she was being dramatic or not) The second time she only went for 2 weeks and that didn't do anything which was about 2 years ago. And 3 years ago my mom went the 1st time to rehab and I visited her and it was a fairly friendly program, but I don't think she actually understood it and was just trying to get it over and done with. She been struggling with this addiction since I could remember and don't know if rehab would be the best step for her after 3 failed attempts. What would make this time any different because I feel like my whole family is wasting time and money with it sometimes. It is unbelievably stressful and frustrating, but at this rate she is going to die with her drinking or getting into a car accident, and I can't just sit around and watch that happen to her! Meeting and therapy are not cutting it either...and usually she skips out on the meetings. She is struggling and hitting rock bottom, and i don't want to be put through anymore pain or see my mom like this. I am stuck and I need some advice because it seems like everyone, but me has completely given up. :[

btw I'm a young teen so I can't move out or anything for like 6 or 7 years..Health Question & Answer

Hi Sarah,
Good for you for hanging in there.

There are a few things you can try for the moment: when your mom is sober, go to her and ask her what she thinks might help to get her out of this. She can't just shrug and say nothing, be persistent and tell her you are 100% behind her. But tell her that SHE is the only one who can make this work, so you want to try a plan that she thinks will work.

No, usually it's not possible to force someone into rehab, unless a physician signs something that she is a danger to herself and others... and most doctors don't want to take it to that point.

I don't know if there is another way off this horrible merrygoround for you... it sounds really, really tough. Perhaps counselling for the whole family would help - although your mom is going to feel cornered. I would go to your dad and challenge him to fix this - tell him it wrecking your life and it's time for him to act. Better yet, if both you and your sister CONFRONT the two of them, that they are wrecking both of your lives, and something needs to be done once and for all, they might just wake up and start to act as responsible adults. Don't be afraid, Sarah. You have rights in this world, and one of them is to not have to grow up with this situation which is clearly out of control.

Did you know there is medication available to helps some people stop drinking.? What happens is when they drink alcohol, and they are on this medication, they feel ill - so they just don't drink. Perhaps this is an avenue for your mom. You first have to really determine if she WANTS to stop drinking. Make a list of questions, and go in prepared - it would be more effective if your sister lends her support for this too.

Good luck, I think you are wise far beyond your years. Don't be afraid to demand some intervention. This is NOT fair to you, nor your sister.

I'd ask for a family meeting. Don't be afraid... write down what you need to say ahead of time, and try to get your sis on board. Then lay it out on the table, be kind, but firm. Be honest, and tell both of your parents that you've had ENOUGH. Do NOT back down, stick to your guns. Try not to get emotional... it won't help, and the meeting will end up with everybody mad and upset. As long as you keep the emotions out of it as much as you can, your parents will take you seriously. Health Question & Answer

Wow, this is a lot for you to deal with. Have you heard of a group called alateen.? Its for kids like you who are affected by someone else's - often a parent's - alcoholism. They may be able to help you figure out what you can do and how to cope with what you can't do. People have successfully completed rehab after failing at it several times. However, your mom has to be willing to make it work. Please talk to other adults - teachers, a minister, a counselor- and look around (should show up on a google search) for an alateen meeting near you. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Your mother has to hit rock bottom again before she can get help. There is nothing you can do to hurry this process along. Can you go online and find an Al-Ateen group.? I think if you expressed the same thoughts there you can find the help you need. It is a wonderful program for friends and relatives of alcoholics and drug abusers. It will teach you the coping mechanisms you so desperately need.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

God bless you dear one. Help is there and hopefully you can find it quickly.Health Question & Answer

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