This sleeping problem is ruining my life! help?!

Question: This sleeping problem is ruining my life! help.?
This sleeping problem is because I can't go to school, plus my lymes disease because out of nowhere I'll be in pain on a part of my body.
And one night, i'll just stay up all night, and then fall asleep around 5-8 in the morning and then go to bed and sleep all day. I always try staying up all night and day and go to bed early that night but I can't, I'll wake up in the morning but I'm so tired and I'll go back to bed and I'll wake up at night.
Even if I go to bed early one night, I can't seem to stay up in the morning I'm so tired, so I go back to bed and wake up in the middle of the day or at night.

I'm always missing my tutoring sessions because of this, so I can never get ahead of school.
Please help! I just wanna have a normal sleeping patern like everyone else.Health Question & Answer

What you should do is in the evenings, take a 30 minute walk (nothing vigorous). Then take a bath, nice and warm. When you lay down for the evening, make sure the room is dark and play some soft soothing music. Do not turn on the tv, just close your eyes and lay there. Slowly and softly roll your eyes to the back of your head while your eyes are closed. You WILL fall asleep. Health Question & Answer

You are obviously ill. CFS and Lyme disease are debilitating illnesses.

Sometimes we can't carry on with our normal routines when we have an illness and just have to concentrate on getting healthy. Continue to see your doctor and talk to him about your symptoms.

Give yourself a break from unreasonable expectations on yourself.Health Question & Answer

Oh my, you are in quite a predicament.

If you ever need a tutor, email me, and I can get you some free online sessions, 24 / 7, so you won't have to worry about fitting into a sleeping pattern; until things get better for you.

Hope you get better!Health Question & Answer

I feel for you, going without sleep is the worst. It takes about 3 weeks for a pattern to take. Keep going to bed at the same time each night and try and sleep it will work for you once your body has adjusted. Good Night.Health Question & Answer

go to the physcitrist they will help give you medicine to sleep better at night.Health Question & Answer

Have your Doctor order a Sleep study. You go in and they hook you up with about 20 wires and then you go to sleep. They monitor everything including breathing. They can detect Restless Leg Syndrome (wife has), Sleep Apnea (I have) and whether you get to REM state or not. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is where your mind catalogs and files everything from the day. If you don't get there you don't rest! Please do this as soon as possible. My life changed dramatically when I found out I had Sleep Apnea and started using a CPAP machine at night. I felt like running around the block after the initial test.
I hope it gets better quickly.
DaveHealth Question & Answer

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