Shouldn't Marijuana Be Legal? I Mean Look At Amsterdam;;?!

Question: Shouldn't Marijuana Be Legal.? I Mean Look At Amsterdam;;.?
Amsterdam is a beautiful place, well tookin' care of, and weed is legal.. and compared to washington, where it isnt legal and its not so taken care of.. maybe if we didnt have to hide it, we can make it a responsable habbit of it. Seriously, alcohol and cigs kill more then marijuana does. Plus its better for you, and you can't even OD on it.
i mean look at this place, it gorgeous: Question & Answer

First, you have to understand drugs aren't totally 100% legal in Amsterdam. They're just permitted. You can't walk down the street with a blunt between your lips or a syringe sticking out of your arm. Drugs are only legal in certain areas, those famous coffee shops that have permits, and in your home.

But yes, I do agree that marijuana should be legal but it opens up a whole bindle bundle of arguments, like how it's a "gateway drug" and you

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