I think my sister's ill and I want to stay healthy but everyone's telling me she's not...?!

Question: I think my sister's ill and I want to stay healthy but everyone's telling me she's not....?
I worry loads about being unwell.
I'd say about 3-4 days out of each week at least, I feel unwell because my mind has imagined the symptoms of it.

Over the weekend I've had a "urine infection" and "diarrhea"
Both of which, I imagined and went away.
I know it's hard on my friends and family, but they're mostly pretty good. My friend told me I should see a doctor but I think it's pointless it's all in my head.

But basically, my sister is sniffing and her voice sounds like she has a cold.
If I knew this for a fact I could take my precautions.
But she's telling me it's hayfever. I think she's lying, it's October. It's cold.
My family have lied to me before about illness to try and stop me worrying. But all it does is make me worried all the time.

What can I do.?
She won't take hayfever medicine. How can I tell which it is.?
What should I do.? Should I do my precautions anyway.?
My family won't help me they tell me it's hayfever.

I'm so worried I want to cry.
What do I do.?
Please don't tell me to stop being selfish, I can't deal with illness.Health Question & Answer

I really think you need to go and see your GP and tell them how you are feeling because what you are describing isn't a healthy fear of becoming ill. Its sounds more like obsessive compulsive disorder (very common) and hypocondria. It must be very hard for you to be carrying around all these irrational fears instead of enjoying your life. Worrying like this could make you ill. Everyone has to suffer infections, bugs, colds, hayfever etc throughout thier life, that is why we have doctors and medications. Even the healthiest people get ill. Just eat well, exercise and try to stop worrying about what hasn't happened or you will ruin your life. Please go and see your GP. All the best and take care.Health Question & Answer

you need to go to a psychologist and get evaluated for a disorder called hypochondria it can be managed by therapy.

Good luck dear

btw I have hay fever year round and it gets cold where I live Health Question & Answer

I think you need to see a good psychiatrist. Your problem IS in your head and a psychiatrist can help.Health Question & Answer

What precautions are you referring to.? If they are something like eating healthy, taking vitamins, drinking water, and washing your hands from time to time then I would say go ahead....

If they are more extreme, I'd believe your sister that she just has hay fever. Hay fever, which is just a type of allergy, isn't something you only get in warm months. I have "hay fever" year round, so I wouldn't count that out. Health Question & Answer

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