Is this what it's like right before....... help?!

Question: Is this what it's like right before....... help.?
so I was just wondering.....
before you lose consiousness or stop breathing anyway, do you like... well.... for anyone who's nearly been dead.... like right before you fall over or like pass out, does your whole body get all tingly.? like your arms and legs and then you just can't breathe.? is that what it's like dieing.... just a question.... dont make assumtions!!!!Health Question & Answer

its hard not to assume somethings not up with a question from a 13yr old like this...

Death.. never been there and dont want to experience it anytime soon

near death experience.... Yes ive had one & this is why 2 yrs down the track i live my life to the fullest and started my family at a young age and have one 9 month old boy and currently 4 months pregnant with baby number 2!!!

Why do you ask this question when you'll never actually know yourself until your in that situation, this is what most young teens aim to do when they take it too far and its too late! might only be to see what death is gunna feel like, but they get stuck in some kind of situation & people write it off at a teenage suicide... DONT TRY ANYTHING LIKE THIS!....

2 yrs ago i was in a horrific car accident. my partner was driving me home from a big day shopping in the city at around 70miles per hour ( 100kms/ per hour) I was asleep in the passenger side & he fell asleep at the wheel.. we collided directly with a cement bridge and i got thrown into the windscreen on impact, As i got thrown back into the passenger seat, the seat belt got caught up under my ribs and Pulled them out, My whole body collapsed under so much pressure, i was paper thin and could not breath as my ribs had crushed my lungs..... i managed to get out the car and lay on the road & wait for help with only little breaths of air & in terrible shock, my body took over and sent me into the most terrible feeling iver ever felt which i assume was a near death experience... As on lookers ran to help me on the side of the road things where very slow, all i could feel was pain and hear people crying around me, as i couldnt say anything the ambulance worker tried to help me with my breathing with all the neccessary equipment.. i was in my last few minutes of life & i couldnt do anything about it.. i could not even cry, i just layed there hoping someone or something was going to help me as i kept saying in my head very peacefully i was going to die... I wasnt ready!!!..

Do you understand what that feels like.? to be on your last few minutes of life.? and just want to hold on just to see your mum one last time. to know whats going on around you but theres absolutely NOTHING you can do about it. Your body does not go all tingly and u dont get a peaceful sensation at all. nothing about it is nice.. Its something that happens to you and whether you like it you have no control over it ..
I have chose to live my life to the fullest & have many children & love my family unconditionally, because you never know when something so terrible is going to happen & u may never have that chance again to say i love you
Health Question & Answer

There would not be a definite answer. I am thinking there are many experiences. also, if the brain is not functioning--and it might be too far into death that you do not realize anything.?.?.?.? Just thoughts.Health Question & Answer

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