This is weird, feel like I'm sick but not...?!

Question: This is weird, feel like I'm sick but not....?
Do you ever get the feeling you are going to get sick.?

-Sneeze a lot
-Itchy, scratchy, kind of sore throat

But then it goes away, and it doesn't ever become a full-out blown cold.? Then it comes back the next day, then goes away.? And so on and so on.? I don't know if it has anything with adjusting to the climate change (Summer to Fall.) My co-workers are currently experiencing the same thing. I feel better now, but for about a couple of weeks I had those symptoms.

My lymph nodes in my neck were even swollen, but are not now.

Was I fighting something.?

Advice.? Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Most definitely. I get that problem all the time. You never really get sick, it just kinda dogs you.
When I was a kid (aka: when I was your age), we'd really get sick. Throw up couple times, huge temp, etc. Really ugly time.
But since being an adult, and especially moving to New Mexico, the diseases are all way different.

When I moved to NM, I felt the same way for up to 3 months. Never really sick enough to go to bed, but very fatigued, no energy, stomach queasy, but wouldn't throw up. Seemed like a minor temperature, but not hot. I was that way for 3 months, until I finally got over it, and saw how good I felt. Then I knew that I'd been sick all that time. And it's come back many times, so it's a specific kind of bug, to act the very same way all these different years.
Even last winter during holidays, I felt kinda queasy in stomach, felt tired, but again, didn't really come down with any hard disease. Really bugs the heck out of you. Wish you'd get it so you could get over it.

All you can do is to try and ride it out. Take extra vitamins or herbs, such as eccinacea and golden seal. Elderberry is also excellent for flu type viruses. And make sure to drink fluids to not get dehydrated. Tea is an excellent way of keeping yourself warm and feeling good during ill times. I prefer Celestial Seasons teas because they're so much more flavorful, spicey, or fruity, whatever I desire. They're also made to work on specific health issues.Health Question & Answer

it's fall season with dry cool probably suffering from seasonal allergy.just take over the counter allergy medicine like claritin..zyrtec feel better because in your area you don't have much pollen right now but it will come back sooner or later so your symptoms too.also it's good to take flu shots in order to prevent yourself from getting flu.all though it will not prevent you 100% but severity will be less.i just got mine yesterday.Good luck.Health Question & Answer

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