Why does my earing hole close every time i dont wear an earing for like a day?!

Question: Why does my earing hole close every time i dont wear an earing for like a day.?
if i dont wear an earing for a day my hole closes then i have to get it pearsed again its happend 6 times already..can you give me some advice.?Health Question & Answer

the same thing happens to me i just put an earring through everyday that way the holes don't close just doing that helps it not close and you don't have to keep them on Health Question & Answer

Is it a new peircing.? If it is, you probably haven't given it enough time to stay open and get used to that.
If not, then you just need to give it more time. The area isn't use to having a hole stuck through it and a peice of metal hanging off the end. ;) When I got my ears peirced, I kept in some sterile earrings for about six months without taking them out. That would be my advice. Keep earrings in all the time. Simple diamond ones that don't catch on things for when you sleep, and whatever ones you want for the day. If you keep the same ones in all the time like I did, make sure you twist them to keep the hole from healing shut on them- because that's why you keep having problems. Your body's natural reaction when if finds something it's not used to is to fix it- just like healing a cut.
I had some huge issues with infections too. So to prevent that, just put some rubbing alcohol on your earrings and ear once a day until you feel your body is used to the peircing. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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