Why do some women with breast implants flaunt their boobs?!

Question: Why do some women with breast implants flaunt their boobs.?
I understand how women can gain confidence by getting implants.. I understand they feel sexy too.. I also know a lot of women out there who choose to put up pictures of themselves in bras and even bare skinned on myspace or whatever.. Then on their pages post stuff like I have big boobies and am proud to show em.. This really gives women with implants a bad image.. I might also add that I think it makes them look stupid.. I mean anyone can have what they have if they pay thousands for them.. It is just a bag of solution under the skin.. I am not jealous at all.. I have a very nice size C naturally myself.. I don't go around pushing my boobs in to others' faces though.. You never see a man who had had a penis enlargement or extension walking around showing people.. That is because it would degrade them.. Why is it not degrading or an embarrassment to get breast implants.? I mean u had to get fake boobs because you were inadequate.. I just think that if women are going to get fake boobs then cover them up like a normal person.. Nobody cares about the boobs and by the way MEN LIKE REAL ONES BETTER TRUST ME!!!Health Question & Answer

I really do like real ones better, why don't girls with real ones flaunt them more.?!Health Question & Answer

Why are you so concerned about what some other females are doing.. It makes them feel proud about themselves so it is good.. Unless you are jealous, it really shouldn't impact you at all.. You are right, most guys like the real ones better, but they like fakes just fine too.... So instead of ranting about what other women should do or not do, mind your own self regard and you shouldn't feel so threatened by a few women who get boob jobs to feel better about themselves..Health Question & Answer

And women with implants seem to be getting younger and younger.. It's all you ever see on myspace.. To 'get thousands of friends' it seems like you have to post a pic of you, your bra and your breasts..

Dont these idiots know that myspace is...... just myspace.. They only get 'friends' because of their nude boobie pics..

The world is fake..

And rotting..

And taking me with it..

Go girl! You tell them how you feel! And I"m happy with my real size C cup too!!Health Question & Answer

Obvious insecurity on the need to get fake boobs, but if you are happy with your pair, why would you feel threatened........ Health Question & Answer

What's your point.? Why do middle aged men buy expensive sports cars.? So people will look at their cars.. Why do women buy boobs.? To get the attention that goes with them........Health Question & Answer

real are better i have to agree but if your going to spend all that money thay are going to show offHealth Question & Answer

BECAUSE THEY PAID LOTSHealth Question & Answer

low self esteemHealth Question & Answer

It no different than a morbidly obese person who looses 100lbs, then begins to wear form-fitting clothes to show off their new figure.. Or a woman wearing her hair down to show off a new hair style.. Its something new, something they did not have before.. When you have had it before, you are accustomed, used to it, and not not feel the need to flaunt, you are not excited about it.. You obviously have no idea what it is like to be a grown women, who can't fill an A cup...... push-up bras barely work because there is nothing to push up.. Fuller breasts make you feel more feminine and sexy, just as a slimmer body would.. So, let people flaunt their new look.. Health Question & Answer

oooh!! I can answer this, you see, before I got pregnant, I was a 34A, but after I had the baby and for the ten months I was breastfeeding, it was not uncommon for me to fill out a C cup or if they were really full, a D, and mind you I am rather short and thin, so maybe it looked a little weird on me, but I didn't care.. I used to wear booby shirts whenever I went out, and once my boyfriend thought I was doing that to show them off, and I said that wasn't really it.. He asked why I wore sweatshirts around the house and the answer was that I had to pump every two hours at home and therefore had to wear a nursing bra, which is hideous and does not allow much for booby shirts, so when we went out and I didn't pump, I could wear a titty shirt so I did because I could wear a normal bra then, and if I could have worn them around the house, by god I would have because honestly, I just plain liked to see my own cleavage, I never had it before.. I'm back to a 32A:( but that's okay.. I would get breast implants if they were free, but as far as people who have an extra ten thousand dollars laying around to spend go, I never understood why they don't use that to feed hungry kids rather than use it for their vanity.. Sorry this was long, but to sum it up, I liked having big boobs, I thought they looked good on me, didn't care what anyone else thought, wore booby shirts when possible so I could remind myself that for once in my life I had cleavage and I wasn't showing them off, I just liked them, didn't ever really consider that anyone but my boyfriend was looking at them.. Am back to small ****, not that thrilled with them, but will live with them.. Do some women show them off.? YES, and probably because they are just learning what it is like to have large breasts, cut them some slack.. No they shouldn't be flashing your husband, that just makes her a slut, not a woman showing off fake ****, she's just a slut..Health Question & Answer

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