Why is my brain soo slow?!

Question: Why is my brain soo slow.?
i have a really slow brain its really anoying because when im talking to people i always forget wat were talking about and then cant think of anything new...... when i drink coffee in the morning im sweet and can talk heeps but other wise my brian like just turns off.... wat can i do.... and do guys find blonde dumbness wierd.?Health Question & Answer

****, don't listen to not taking it lightly.. Put in the details how old you are.. It will be easier to answer.. This happens to me all of the time and I'm 21 years old.. No it's not a medical condition.. I just think way too hard that I over analyze things and it's hard to come up with just one answer.. Health Question & Answer

you could be dependent on coffee or......

like me you could have a problem keeping focused.. i'm dyslexic.. dyslexia is more than not being able to read.. i always sort of blank out when people are talking and i find it hard to keep up with a conversation.. but my brain is actually too fast..

you should look for a healthier way to wake up than drinking coffee.. get all the vitamins and minerals you need from food.. a bowl of cereal, fruit and orange juice should wake you up.. you should also eat more healthy food throughout the day..

if that doesn't work maybe go to a doctor.. he/she will refer you to a psychologist so they can find out if anything serious is wrong with you..Health Question & Answer

Brain fog.. You could just be tired or have a serious medical condition.. I wouldn't take this lightly..
I'm a lot older than "guest324......" <-- chill the f out..
As I said, it "could be" a symptom of something serious, but doesn't necessarily mean it is.. Brain fog was a symptom for me and became a quite serious matter - so take it seriously but don't get paranoid about it either..Health Question & Answer

YES it can be a medical condition and a serious one.. I know this girl that did the same thing and she ended up having surgery to have a little device inserted into her brain that shocks it every so often (kinda like a pace maker does to a heart) to keep her on track with thinking and talking..Health Question & Answer

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