I have a serious bra question?!

Question: I have a serious bra question.?
During the summer, i often wear the kind of shirts that don't require me to wear a bra, so I don't wear one.. I was wondering if it's true what my grandma always told me, that if you don't wear a bra all the time you will get real saggy when you get older..
I'm 32 now, so i'm no spring chicken, and I see no ill results yet.. (I am a C cup)
So, women, does it really make a difference.? I'd prefer to not wear one because I can never get them to fit right and they are uncomfortable, and with a thick shirt you can't tell whether I have one on or not, so i'd like to see if I can get away not wearing one without ill effects..Health Question & Answer

It's not true.. Not wearing a bra will actually strengthen the ligaments and make them perkier.. I've started going without as often as I can and god I feel so much better.. My boobs don't hurt nearly as much as they used to!

Your breasts will succumb to gravity regardless of whether or not you wear a bra.. Here's an awesome website about it:
.007b..com/bra_sagging..php" rel="nofollow">http://www..007b..com/bra_sagging..php

Why did I get a thumbs down.? Why is everyone all gung-ho about support.? Breasts were fine long before bras were invented.. Hippies burned them for a good reason..
The corset (the precursor to the bra) was invented so women would be super barbie-doll skinny.. The effect of this was also pushing the breasts way up, where they evolved into the sexual icon they are today.. Bras do the same thing, push breasts up to appear more "appealing.." I'm not saying never wearing them, I'm just saying, really think about why society dictates we wear them.. It's certainly not necessary..Health Question & Answer

Well, if you're a B or anything bigger, you absolutely should put forth the effort in getting a good one.. Go to a real lingerie shop, not some dumb Victoria's Secret, they don't really know how to fit anybody.. I'm sure you're perfect and without sag right now, but girl, it's in the mail!Health Question & Answer

Gravity will win, eventually..

If you don't wear a bra eventually you will be able to tuck them into your belt.. LOL

If you wear a shirt with built in support on occasion you should be fine..

Those who are really concerned with remaining perky wear a bra 24/7..Health Question & Answer

Well, if you are wearing shirts that still support your breasts then you are alright.. All you really need is support.. But if you are wearing shirts that just let them......kind of hang there, then you might find your breasts sagging sooner..Health Question & Answer

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