Has anyone read "the Secret"? How Can I get the "Secret" to work for me? What is the 'secret' to "the Secret"?!

Question: Has anyone read "the Secret".? How Can I get the "Secret" to work for me.? What is the 'secret' to "the Secret".?
"The Secret" makes a lot of sense to me.. But I'm havinga really hard time changing my though process.. I have an idea in my head that is positive, but I have such little faith in something working out the way I want it to.. I need help.. How can i get "The Secret" to work for me.?!.?!
Health Question & Answer

Start out with something small and work your way up to the bigger things.. Once you see that the smaller things are coming true it will give you that extra "faith" that the bigger will come true as well..

Possitive thoughts are much more powerful than negative thoughts so dont worry about it too much.. Just keep telling yourself that your going to get what you want.. Tell yourself that when you are feeling doubtful.. Eventually it will be sort of second nature.. Visualize how you will feel when you get what you want.. Dont worry about how its going to get there.. Just picture that you already have it and feel how happy you will be..

I've been doing the secret for a few weeks now and I've already seen it work.. I need gas money and someone sent me $10 in the mail from a raffle I entered almost a year ago.. It was just enough to get me to work to get my check..

My son needed school supplies and I was wondering how I was going to get them.. I thought about asking my mom, but decided I didnt want to bother her.. Literally about 5 minutes later my mom called and asked if I had got his school supplies yet because she wanted to take him out to get them.. Not only did she get his school supplies, but new clothes and shoes too.. She has never once bought my son his supplies.. When I asked her why she offered, she said, I dont know I just felt like I should..

I tried using the LOA to get child support.. My ex hasnt paid since March and owed me a lot.. So I tried LOA and last week, I didnt just get one week of child support, I got 3! No joke..

I think if you can talk to others who have had it work for them you might find it more believable.. I sometimes have a hard time believing that Im just going to get money (thats what Im working on now), so I try to find others who have used the LOA and had it work for them and kind of live off their faith until something big happens for me..Health Question & Answer

Hi.. I've read the book.. Frankly even though what is prescribes is logical and inspiring (thinking positive etc), it is very hard to follow.. Somehow I feel the book is rather one-dimensional, as there are other factors in life to consider and 'thinking positive' does not solve all our problems or work for everyone.. Everybody's circumstances are different and their problems have different facets, and there is no single solution for them..

Just my opinion......let's see what others have to say :)Health Question & Answer

I think that the Secret is really not that special.. I mean, of course if you decide to only have positive thoughts and always look on the bright side then life will seem better but I don't think that this kind of attitude will give you what you want in life.. I think that it's all about setting a goal for yourself and doing your best to obtain it.. Sitting around having happy thoughts is not going to cut it! Just take control of your own life and work towards your goals......Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry, I've never read it! I'm sure you can read up on it on amazon..com though, or maybe use the yahoo quick-search on the top of the screen and see if anyone else has answered a question similiar to yours.?.? Good luck =/Health Question & Answer

The deodorant Secret.? That's a good brand by the way.. Health Question & Answer

.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

Huh.? where can I get this book .. I've never heard of itHealth Question & Answer

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