How do you avoid eating the whole house before your period?!

Question: How do you avoid eating the whole house before your period.?
Every two weeks up to my period I practically eat like a pregnant woman, and I know they say mind over matter, but I find it very hard not eat what I want......The day I get my period I turn the complete opposite and eat hardly nothing......It's a horrible cycle I would like to break....Would medication help.?Health Question & Answer

I'm on a medication (adderall) where one of the side effects includes loss of appetite, and I SWEAR to you that this does nothing for me when i'm approaching my period.. One thing that seems to help a little is chewing gum..

Honestly.. I go through a pack of gum a day just trying to avoid the munchies.. It helps--- It won't work miracles or anything, but it definitely keeps me from eating absolutely everything that isn't nailed down..

I go through a 60-piece container thing of Orbit Bubblemint gum about every 4 days.. Yeah.. That's a lot of gum.. But it also keeps me from biting my nails, lol..

So, yeah.. It's not the cramps or even the bloating that kills me, it's the binge eating--- and I've been somewhat able to keep it in check.. Hope this helps! Health Question & Answer

I used to think this happened only to me.. I could honestly eat the whole house right before my period and on the days of my period i would barely eat anything.. I try to stock up with healthier good tasting foods.. such as fruits and vegetables....but I know that it's really easy to reach for the junk foods, so I would try and work out during the week that i'm eating more and even it out a little.. don't worry aren't alone, plus it's a tiring thing to have a period so don't go too hard on yourself food wise.. Health Question & Answer

Don't have any junky foods in the house during that part of your cycle.. I eat in my sleep so I just don't buy junk food very much.. Health Question & Answer

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