Is abortion selfish?!

Question: Is abortion selfish.?
Why or why not.?Health Question & Answer

A definate NO.. Having a child you can't provide for is what's selfish.. Having more than 3 kids is selfish..
We also have a planet to look after.. It isn't just about our own personal wants..Health Question & Answer

It can be, just as having a child for the wrong reasons can be selfish.. When you simply do what is easy/convenient/desirable for yourself without considering the wishes and/or consequences of the others who are involved, it's selfish - whether you are deciding to start a family or just choosing what to prepare for the family's dinner..

That doesn't mean you make all your decisions to please others - it's your life, after all - but a good decision takes more into account than just your wishes.. Consider the likely results of your decision, along with the challenges it may create and how you might handle them..

If you are considering an abortion, don't make your decision in haste.. It is too important a choice to make.. Take some time to get past the realization that you are pregnant so that you can think it over more calmly.. Don't rush into abortion OR into parenthood.. Health Question & Answer

Sometimes it is..

Other times it's the best possible solution to a bad problem..

It totally depends on the situation and on the woman herself..

Hey, AmandaM and Uhavemy<3 and CG...... how many of these "you shouldn't have an abortion no matter what" babies are *you* going to adopt.? A couple...... a dozen...... a few hundred.?

Millions of abortions are performed for many reasons every year in North America and Europe alone.. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem..Health Question & Answer

Sometimes.. People do a lot of selfish things with regards to pregnancy..

Having a baby because you think it will be someone to love you is selfish..
Having a baby to save your marriage is selfish..
Having a baby that you can't support and instead being a drain on the tax payers is selfish..
Having a baby that you didn't want and abusing it either physically, emotionally or through neglect is selfish..
Thinking that your own religious or philosophical views extend to anyone's uterus but your own is really selfish.. Health Question & Answer

I would say yes, because you taking away a life because you don't want to have a child, or aren't ready for one.. In my opinion, the person should consider adoption instead.. It's not the child's fault the mother don't want a baby.. I would say the only way abortion would be okay is if the mother's life would be in danger if she went through with the entire pregnancy.. Health Question & Answer

I think it depends on the situation.. If the person is unable to love and support that baby, I think they should have the baby and look into adoption instead, this includes rape.. I know a lot of women do not want to keep a baby that was the product of rape, but even under those circumstances I don't think I could abort or adopt, it's still a part of "me" and it is still growing in "me".. So I think for rape victims adoption is a better choice..

That being said I have always felt that abortion is okay only in the circumstance that either the baby or mother will die if the pregnancy is not aborted.. Many women though still choose to go through with the pregnancy hoping for the best, but I personally feel in that situation it would be okay and unselfish to abort..

As for people who are pregnant with a family member's baby......first, that's just nasty, but, I think even for them adoption would be a better option.. Health Question & Answer

I believe that it really depends on the specific reason why a woman is choosing to have one..

A woman who chooses to have one because she cannot aptly provide for a child is not selfish in my mind.. I admire those who are realistic and plan carefully for their family's future..

Quality of life is just as important as when the so-called "life" of zygote begins..Health Question & Answer

depends if its being used for the right reasons.... if yur using it as a alternative method to birth control then i dont agree with it but if you were raped and ended up pregant and you dont know the father or what kind of helth problems or ANY thing about him i would agree this would be a appropriate time for abortion.. or if its in danger of huritng both the mother and baby.... its all a matter of opinion.... follow yourself..Health Question & Answer

Ok I am so against abortion UNLESS its rape or incest or there is major birth defects.. That is the only time I feel it is ok.. Now if your just stupid and have sex without a condom or being on birth control thats your problem.. You shouldnt be fuuckking around if you are not ready to deal with what could happen.. Honestly, just because its a fetus, it hasnt formed into anything........its still forming into a baby, and you killing it is the most selfish thing! If you cant afford a baby, maybe you shouldnt have had sex that wasnt protected at all!!!!!! There is the option of adoption.. HELLO!!! There are so many people out there trying to get pregnant and cant yet all these little hoes are getting pregnant and just getting their pregnancies aborted.. Have that child, and give it to a couple that cant have a baby of their own.. Instead of thinking of yourself, help someone else out.. If your old enough to have sex your old enough to deal with a baby.. Cuz thats how babies are made.. And by having sex you need to be responsible about it.. Use protection, get on birth control.. That baby didnt do anything wrong.. It has no clue its unwanted.. They deserve a chance at a good life.. Dont be selfish and take that away.. What if your parents thought that way.? You wouldnt be here.. Abortion is wrong..Health Question & Answer

I think Abortion is Optional..
Dont listen to the people that are like "your a Bihhh.. for killing a baby"..
If you dont want to have it then get it..
But you dont want to have a baby then not be able to take care of it..
plus everyone....
There are babies everyday getting put into adoption and not enough of them are getting adopted!..
If you are pregnant..
think about whats best for you..
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I think it is and isn't.. If you are raped then it isnt selfish.. If you have had unprotected sex just to see what it feels like, yes because it's still a human being.. But also, you can do what you want with your body!Health Question & Answer

no, having a baby, then not taking care of it, because you are either too young or have no money......that is selfish

If people think abortion is is killing innocent animals just for food..........Health Question & Answer

If you got raped; no..

If you are irresponsible and having unprotected sex or using
the "pull out" method; yes..

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no its not......abortion isnt really any different to wearing a condom! these "prolifers" telling poor people to raise babies they dont want are selfish!

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yes because its murdering an innocent life.. if someone didn't want to have a child then they shouldn't have been irresponsible..Health Question & Answer

In the early stages of pregnancy, no..

A small ball of cells doesn't have feelings..
____Health Question & Answer

If it will harm you to have the baby no.. Any other reason then hell yes!Health Question & Answer

I dunno \(o_O)/Health Question & Answer

dahHealth Question & Answer

I don't know if i would always call it selfish.. Even though I do think there is a better option (i don't condone abortion), i don't think that its always for selfish reasons..

There are some women, who for whatever reason, cannot be bothered to discipline themselves the use birth control.. For them, i think yes it might be selfish.. They can't be bothered to put themselves out with even the simpler methods of BC (condoms are pretty easy to use, if you can't use something like the patch or the ring, both of which are put it on/in and forget about it)..

At the other end of the spectrum, i don't know what to say to someone who is pregnant because of rape or incest.. My heart goes out to them, and although i don't agree with using abortion as a way out of dealing with a pregnancy from such a horrific act, I think they're just trying to find the best way to deal with, cope with, and recover from that..

What about a woman with a baby that's fataly deformed, and won't survive birth.? I wouldn't call that selfish either, although with the late stage of pregnancy that most of those defects are found out, i'm not sure aborting the baby is the least painful way.. At the very least, i think most people would be motivated by compassion..
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yes, it is!
thiink about it..
the second the sperm and egg meet, there's a fetus growing inside of a women.. meaning a child.. a baby.. A LIFE.. a human life..
by aborting the life, you're only thinking about yourself.. or maybe your partner.. but think of that innocent fetus.. it IS a life and you're basically being murderers.. just be sure to wear condoms and use birthcontrol or somethingg! xoxoHealth Question & Answer

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