I need to stop obsessing weight ?!

Question: I need to stop obsessing weight .?
I know I am not overweight.. So please don't get angry with me for not being overweight and still worried about my weight - know what I mean.?
My obsession is that I am terrified of gaining weight.. I have lost a pretty good amount of weight, but im, obsessed so much it crazy like im always on diets and feel so much guilt

So - the weird thing is that I am worried that if I stop obsessing, I will gain and then hate myself for it.. Does that make sense.?
what should i do .? Health Question & Answer

This could or could not be a serious problem.. First, do you find yourself inducing vomit or forcing yourself to go without food for several meals or days.? If the answer is yes, you need more help than I can tell you..

Remember - if you are working out as a way to lose weight, don't be freaked out if you gain weight.. Muscle weighs more than fat does, so if you work out for a while and gain weight, the muscle is slowly replacing the fat..

Second, diets are bad especially if you are still growing.. The best thing for you to do is to eat healthy food, but not rabbit food like carrots and salads.. Do you know that if you load salad with ranch dressing it really isn't healthy for you.? So skip the salads and just stay away from the french fries and the cheeseburgers and (for a little while) the pizza..

Third, EXCERCISE.. If you hate to excercise, then make it fun - dance to a favorite song without stopping and moving all of your body..

Trust me, if you do these things you will be slimmer and more muscular, and hopefully stop obsessing about your body!

Remember, everyone's body is different, and everyone can't be model thin (models are actually unhealthy and don't have strong bones and are at risk for fractures and osteoporosis)

Don't obsess.. If you do gain fat, then that's just the way your body is meant to be.. But if it gets out of hand, then remember to excercise and avoid the junk food..

Never hate yourself, its not worth it.. When it comes down to it, you're all you've got..Health Question & Answer

Just maintain your healthy weight that you are happy with..

Eat well, and exersize a logical amount.. But now that you are happy with where you are (it sounds like you are), you can focus on maintaining as opposed to loosing..

Health Question & Answer

Calm down.. Don't obsess over it, just only eat when your truly hungry (stomach growl before every meal) and eat healthy.. No junk food! If you do that you should be fine, weigh yourself every couple of days if you want to make sure you're maintaining..Health Question & Answer

go to a psychologist for sure.. you might be anorexic, and to an extent it can be very dangerous..Health Question & Answer

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