How do i get rid of this smell?!

Question: How do i get rid of this smell.?
I have been informed by a doctor i do not have yeast infections....But their are some odd fishy like smells coming from their....if i don't have wipes what should i use.? What kind of foods should i stay away from.? which foods should i eat.? And i haven't eaten fish in a long time..+ people are noticing the smell.. And i am only a young person but on the first day of school no one noticed the smell not even i did..
Health Question & Answer

dont listen to anybody on here i had the same problem went to the drs so many times and nothing the last time i swithched drs and she said i never had a infection or stds that some girls or women get a foul smell due to irregular ph balances in the vagina the worst thing you can do is douche DO NOT DOUCHE it makes it worse i found that buying femine powder and sprinkler on your panties every morning does the trick or talk to your gyn about other options,hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

Don't wash with soap.. Soap has an alkalie pH, and your vagina has an acidic one.. Either wash with water only, or get a specially made soap for 'intimate feminine areas'..

If you think you smell, the liklihood is your washing too much.. This irritates the vagina which has a delicate balance.. An irriated vagina will produce discharge, which may smell.. This is mainly because the good bacteria have been washed away, letting bad bacteria in..

also, wear cotton panties, as they let your vaginal area breath..

Don't worry too much about it.. People can't usually recognise what the smell is or where it's coming from..Health Question & Answer

Ok, first eating fish doesn't make your vagina have an odor.. Had to put that out there for you..

It sounds like you are having some discharge with odor.. Perhaps you have bacterial vaginosis.. This is where you have a different kind of infection that requires anti-biotics.. You need to see a Gynecologist.. They can assess what is making your vagina have a foul odor..

Have you tried a feminine deodorant spray like fds.? It can help mask the odor so people don't notice........but you really should go to the Doctor and have them run a few tests..

also: are you sexually active.? Lubricants, condoms and things like that can cause an allergic reaction and your discharge from that can have an odor as well..

Good luck

:-)Health Question & Answer

Go to the doctor, you have an infection..Health Question & Answer

A vagina will NEVER smell bad unless you have an infection, if there is an infection then you require treatment either from a doctor or some infections you can treat yourself if you know how.. The problem is that a lot of young women become paranoid that they smell, they then cover up the smell with the use of sprays or wash too much, both things actually cause infections so cause smells..

A lot of girls and women, particularly young women, quite simply imagine the bad smell when in fact they smell perfectly normal and healthy, often in pre-teens and teens the additional discharge they start to get makes them more aware of their vagina and vulva so they become more paranoid about the new smell they can smell

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