Strange period problems.?!

Question: Strange period problems...?
this month i started my period exactly when i was supposed to, the problem was the blood is coming out in a strange dark, dark color almost like a black.. I've had in now for longer than my regular period, it is 5 days today and usually it only lasts about 3.. i'm only sixteen.. i started having sex about a month ago.. We used a condem everytime and i made sure my boyfriend checked every condem afterwards to make sure there were no holes or rips or tears.. The first two days i experienced the regular cramps i would during my period.. I am just very very nervous because the color is so so dark and my period is much lighter than it has been in years.. does anyone have any kind of advice for me.?
Health Question & Answer

The blood gets darker the older it gets and also the more it's exposed to air.. You could actually start your period a day before you notice any blood, so it would be that much older.. If it goes on for more than 10 days or comes with magnified cramps, fever, sweating, or other signs of infection, see a doctor.. Generally, sexual activity can mess with your cycle until it sets it regularly, particularly at your age.. Watch your symptoms and listen to your body for when to get help..Health Question & Answer

It's normal, as far as I know.. I started out with dark color then throughout the years it gradually gotten lighter.. I am not sure why, but I have had my period since i was 12 and am now almost 19, in one wek Woohooo!!!

But, sounds normal to me, I think you start to get more regualr as you age too.. Because when I first started I wouldnt have a period every month it owuld be almost every other month now its every month..Health Question & Answer

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