Worried about my friends health and wellbeing?!

Question: Worried about my friends health and wellbeing.?
A friend of mine has been gaining weight constantly and at least put on a stone (14lb) and a bit each year.. Each year she is getting bigger..
She does eat mostly healthy foods and exercises regularly at least 1hour 30 mins daily.. What could be causing this.? she is in her 30's..
in the last 5 years she has gained over 5 stone.. She is now at a size uk 22.. What advise could I give her to help her.?.?
Thank youHealth Question & Answer

it could be her thyroid is goofing up, she can have tests done to find out, or maybe she is building muscle mass, or maybe she is eating way too many calories and fat, but if she or you are concerned, then a throid check might be the best answer..Health Question & Answer

It could be any number of things, from an under active thyroid, to eating the wrong type of foods at the wrong time of day..

She needs to eat a least three meals a day to keep her metabolic rate up, which burns off the calories.. If she is eating the wrong foods, and not eating properly especially missing breakfast, then the weight will creep up year after year..

If she is tired all the time, prone to depression, it could be her thyroid, which she needs to get checked with a blood test..

I would suggest if you can persuade her to visit a doctor to talk through all that has been going on leading up to the weight starting to be gained.. She really needs to work through all the possibilities before she can approach the problem from the right angle..Health Question & Answer

if she eats healthily and exercises like you say then my guess would be maybe a thyroid problem , it could be either overactive or under active which causes a hormonal imbalance meaning that regardless of her lifestyle she would gain weight, the good news is that its a very common illness and i think it can be treated with medication,suggest this to her and tell her to visit her doctor, he can do a test to find out and then get her on the right track..
The other possibility is that she is lying to you.?just talk to her tell her you're concerned and that you're there if she needs you..
you sound like a really good friend she's lucky to have you..Health Question & Answer

it's possible that she has a low metabolism, meaning she does not burn calories as much as someone who has a high metabolism.. Your friend may not be balancing calorie intake with exercise e..g.. taking in more calories than she is taking off every day.. .blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://adviceonkeepingfit..blogspot..com/ here is my blog for more information if you want to read up..

My advice is to eat a balanced diet, and exercise as much as possible.. She needs the right amount of nutrients and minerals if her body is to function properly, this may improve her metabolism which would be helpfull.. Health Question & Answer

Sometimes weight gain can be hereditory.. Does she have a history of obesity in her family.? She should see her doctor to get a proper diagnosis and maybe he can give her something that will help.. She could also be eating too much starch.. Is she diabetic.? There are so many possible reasons for weight gain..Health Question & Answer

Sorry i don't know the answer, but don't listen to keith because that answer is on like four other questions under other usernames..Health Question & Answer

I don't want to embarrass you, but you almost certainly have a bacterial vaginosis..

I've now devoted my life to helping people, as so many medics just don't understand womens problems - and I give away my book to women who are concerned..

To discover more about the symptoms, causes and dangers, you can download my free 20 page book here: .blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://bacterial-vaginosis-free-book..blo......

With the help of my husband, an herbal researcher, I pulled together different pieces and parts of the puzzle until I had a clear picture of how to fully help myself stay healthier and stronger by application of the best healing herbs that target 3 problems areas of BV..

You need this 3 STEP attack plan that no one else in the world utilizes that combats 3 different problem areas associated with bacterial vaginosis..

It is critical that you use ALL 3 STEPS to help eliminate BV for good..

I have been so incredibly healthy the past few years that I haven't even had a common cold in over 2 years, and I work in a middle school where colds are passed around like candy..

Here's what people have said about my free book:
I am writing you this email in repsonse to reading your book on bacterial vaginosis and I must say, " I hail to you!" I have recently been experience recurring BV for almost 6 months.. It has been frustrating going back to my OB and taking prescribed medications..

After following your instructions, my BV was gone in a little under two weeks.. It is amazing what herbal medications can do to your body.. I am not a fan of taking antibiotics, because of all the toxins and chemicals, but using what you suggested is all natural and works with your body and your body's natural defenses to eliminate BV..

I am very thankful I came across your site.. I am happy that you have dedicated so much time into researching what herbs and natural substances can do to help improve body function..


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I am writing you this email in repsonse to reading your book on bacterial vaginosis and I must say, " I hail to you!" I have recently been experience recurring BV for almost 6 months.. It has been frustrating going back to my OB and taking prescribed medications..

After following your instructions, my BV was gone in a little under two weeks.. It is amazing what herbal medications can do to your body.. I am not a fan of taking antibiotics, because of all the toxins and chemicals, but using what you suggested is all natural and works with your body and your body's natural defenses to eliminate BV..

I am very thankful I came across your site.. I am happy that you have dedicated so much time into researching what herbs and natural substances can do to help improve body function..


.blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://bacterial-vaginosis-free-book..blo......

Thank you!! I found it most helpful and useful.. I realize there were some things that I had been doing that either triggered it, or, kept it hanging on! Much appreciation..


Mrs Massey
.blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://bacterial-vaginosis-free-book..blo......Health Question & Answer

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