What can I do about my really bad PMS lately?!

Question: What can I do about my really bad PMS lately.?
I've been depressed & bitchy at the most stupidest things since like about a week before my period came.. It came on August 26.. My friend is even like PMS all the time to me now because I'm such a ***** and I've been depressed constantly and it seems like everything is going great in my life right now.. I am so happy on the inside but I could just break down and cry for no reason right now.. I'm also the biggest ***** lately.. I don't want to go to the gyno because I'm not really close with my mom about things like that.. For now, what can I do to chill myself out.?Health Question & Answer

How old are you.? Because if there is a planned parenthood around where you live, they let you come by yourself if your 16.. most of them will examine you for free also.. I got birth control strictly for that purpose, i was PMSing really bad and my periods lasted for like 2 weeks.. The birth control helped alot with both of those.. Im taking ortho tricyclen lo.. good luck..Health Question & Answer

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