Pregnacy tests are negative but HCG test was undetermined?!

Question: Pregnacy tests are negative but HCG test was undetermined.?
5 negative pregnancy test, and 1 undetermined pregnacy(blood test)...... what will the likely result be for the new blood test after the 1st undetermined one..
do women have hcg, even if they aren't pregnant.?
can it be negative after it came out undetermined.?
It was undetermined on tuesday and i took the other test on friday....Health Question & Answer

First of all, I think you mean that your test was "indeterminate", which means that it's not equivocally positive or negative - kind of in a gray zone..

I'd be interested to know what the numerical value of your test result(blood) was, or if it's not a direct quantitative (number), then what does "indeterminate" mean.. Does it mean, for example, "greater than 10 miu/l and less than 25 miu/ml"..

Bottom line, you could have a very very early "heading to positive test".. But, it could just be that you're carrying a higher "normal, non pregnant" level of HCG.. It exists naturally in your system, but at low levels.. Generally, getting a number higher than 20 or 25 miu/ml is indicative of pregnancy, and if you ARE pregnant, the numbers will climb very fast in the days after that..

also on urine tests, TRY doing one on your very first morning urine, which will be most concentrated..

John Jones, M..D..Health Question & Answer

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