Is having pain with a tampon normal.?!

Question: Is having pain with a tampon normal...?
i have tried at least 30 times to insert a tampon and it just never works.. It always hurts no matter what kind of tampon it is.. i've even tried tiny tampons.. im only 16 i dont think anything should be wrong down there.. could something be wrong.. has anyone else had these problems..Health Question & Answer

Why do girls always assume something is wrong with them, rather than something wrong with the product.? It's a dry wad of hard rough material that is filled with chemicals and bleach which you are inserting into the moist delicate environment of your vagina..

It's normal.. A lot of girls experience the problem, a lot of girls also blame themselves, blame their bodies, rather than looking at the product, a combination of body-issues and lack of education into how your body works and how harmful tampons are.. Often women convince themselves that tampons are comfortable and convenient, after all that

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