Extremely heavy periods?!

Question: Extremely heavy periods.?
I've only had a few periods so this might not happen forever but, on the first few days of my period (and it lasts for 7 days which is rather long) it is like having a nosebleed down there.. It is really annoying because even though i am wearing a super tampon and a pad, its still leaks all over my bed and mattress.. This may sound disgusting but when i go to bed i can actually feel the uterus lining coming out of there.. Is there anything I can do to control the bleeding and get the stains out of my mattress (which are quite new btw).? ThanksHealth Question & Answer

sorry treyvon but your incorrect..
Hun you don't have a bacteria it used to happen to me your probably anemic and can't be loosing to much blood.. As much as you might hate to hear this.. You are going to have to STOP wearing tampons.. you can get seriously sick.. you need more iron.. and if it continues tell your Gynecologist to put you on birth control.. Trust me it helps.. i used to get my period for 13 days.. and its because i used tampons everyday of my life since i was 12 >..> now I'm 19 and i've haven't worn a tampon since i was 16..* i only wear them during special occasions like six flags, beach, pool, etc..* just try not to wear a tampon on the first 3 days of your period and you'll be fine.. Stick with Always overnights i wear up to 2 sometimes :).. don't be embarrassed it happens to a lot of woman..

****** OH AND TO TAKE OUT THE STAINS ^_^ hydrogen peroxide it works like a charm.. ****Health Question & Answer

chicken, it happens to ALOT of us, the first two days is the worst, hot sweats, dizzyness, PAIN!! cramp, bloating, backache and the hormones can even make your poo abit runnier what FUN! :P

then you get the pleasure of having to use tampons andpad for a whole week!!!

take two feminax period pain tablets at a time on the the first two days or your periods, it really reduces all the symptom, except to the blood of cause..

you sound like what my periods were like before i went on the pill, and i suffered for years before i went on it, i had big clots of blood as though it was flesh!! and it was like a tap being turn on and of sometimes! not pretty or a happy feeling! when i finally did it made them shorter (like 5 days instead of 7-9) lighter, no clumps and almost no pain! woop!Health Question & Answer

Oh hun, you don't have a bacterial infection.. I had BV that person is insane..

The first years were the worst for me.. It will probably get better.. Give it time to become regular.. you're not a freak, that is perfectly normal and many healthy girls go through that same experience.. It'll probably get better.. talk to your mom and if it isn't getting better, there are medicines (like birth control for example) that can make it much lighter.. In the mean time, ben and jerrys, midol, movies, a little crying, and hot baths..

For the bed, spray and wash and cold water.. Health Question & Answer

rub cold water and salt into the blood on your mattress..
I would see a dr if your worried or talk 2 ur mum cos she prob had heavy periods but hopefally it will settle down soon as it's only one of ur first..
Try sleeping on an old towel that you've folded up a couple of times
Health Question & Answer

I don't want to embarrass you, but you almost certainly have a bacterial vaginosis..

I've now devoted my life to helping people, as so many medics just don't understand womens problems - and I give away my book to women who are concerned..

To discover more about the symptoms, causes and dangers, you can download my free 20 page book here: .blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://bacterial-vaginosis-free-book..blo......

With the help of my husband, an herbal researcher, I pulled together different pieces and parts of the puzzle until I had a clear picture of how to fully help myself stay healthier and stronger by application of the best healing herbs that target 3 problems areas of BV..

You need this 3 STEP attack plan that no one else in the world utilizes that combats 3 different problem areas associated with bacterial vaginosis..

It is critical that you use ALL 3 STEPS to help eliminate BV for good..

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I am writing you this email in repsonse to reading your book on bacterial vaginosis and I must say, " I hail to you!" I have recently been experience recurring BV for almost 6 months.. It has been frustrating going back to my OB and taking prescribed medications..

After following your instructions, my BV was gone in a little under two weeks.. It is amazing what herbal medications can do to your body.. I am not a fan of taking antibiotics, because of all the toxins and chemicals, but using what you suggested is all natural and works with your body and your body's natural defenses to eliminate BV..

I am very thankful I came across your site.. I am happy that you have dedicated so much time into researching what herbs and natural substances can do to help improve body function..


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I am writing you this email in repsonse to reading your book on bacterial vaginosis and I must say, " I hail to you!" I have recently been experience recurring BV for almost 6 months.. It has been frustrating going back to my OB and taking prescribed medications..

After following your instructions, my BV was gone in a little under two weeks.. It is amazing what herbal medications can do to your body.. I am not a fan of taking antibiotics, because of all the toxins and chemicals, but using what you suggested is all natural and works with your body and your body's natural defenses to eliminate BV..

I am very thankful I came across your site.. I am happy that you have dedicated so much time into researching what herbs and natural substances can do to help improve body function..


.blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://bacterial-vaginosis-free-book..blo......

Thank you!! I found it most helpful and useful.. I realize there were some things that I had been doing that either triggered it, or, kept it hanging on! Much appreciation..


Mrs Massey
.blogspot..com/" rel="nofollow">http://bacterial-vaginosis-free-book..blo......Health Question & Answer

OK.......... perhaps I can answer this without sounding like an infomercial, lol! Yeah, I have the same problem with my period sometimes.. I take anti-depressants that keep me from from having regular periods.. So I may go months without anything, but then when I do, it's heavy! I know what you mean about it leaking through everything! I wear old or holey underwear during that time.. (No thongs, there's no point!) To sleep at night I wear black sweat pants (or dark shorts) so the stains don't show up.. But if you must remove blood stains from anything, use hydrogen peroxide (in a brown bottle).. It works wonders! I once had a huge blood stain all over the back of my khaki pants, but I was quick enough & it came out completely! So as soon as possible, take the garment into the tub or sink and pour peroxide on it.. It will immediately fizz up.. Let it soak up for a bit, then ring it out and repeat.. Use a scrub brush (also old tooth brushes work good) or a rag to break up the stain if necessary.. Note: if there is a stain on only 1 layer, be sure to separate it from the other layer, laying it out flat.. I learned the hard way that while the blood comes out, it can go into a different part of the clothing, so no bunching! Use only COLD water to rinse it out, as hot water can set in stains.. Afterward put it in the washer as usual, but do not put it in the dryer unless the stain is completely gone, again because of the heat.. Unfortunately, you must get used to just pitching the underwear, but use that method for your shorts and sheets.. Btw if you seem to have heavy periods often, you ought to go see an OB-GYN or at least your family doctor, just make sure everything's ok.. And if it helps, just remember you're not the only one and it will be gone in a few days.. Good luck! Health Question & Answer

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