Please do not judge me..i am just looking for info not saying i'm doing it right yet?!

Question: Please do not judge me....i am just looking for info not saying i'm doing it right yet.?
is it absolutely crazy for a girl to loose her virginity at 14.? how bad does it hurt.? Is it normal to be skeptical about putting all your trust in a condom.. How would you get birth crontrol if you mother doesn't even know you have bf's.? just tell me everything about this subject.. thanxHealth Question & Answer

just wait...... if you're skeptical chances are you know best, and thats why you're second guessing yourself.. i have a friend who didn't think anything could go wrong if she used a condom, and she was on birth control (without her moms knowledge) she got pregnant and an STD which she passed on to the baby.. it srewed her up, she ended up having the baby taken from her.. you're too young to handle, not just the sex, but the responsibility that comes with the deed..
do you really want that reputation.? chances are if you break up with the guy he could tell everyone that you're a ****.. use your head if you're ready for it, make your own decision, but be wise

good luckHealth Question & Answer

I was 14 when I lost my virginity.. I wish I would have waited longer.. I went to the Free Clinic (kind of like Planned Parenthood) and got on birth control.. Condoms, for the most part protect against pregnancy if used properly..

The first time can be painful when the hymen breaks upon penetration.. There can also be some blood.. Not all girls bleed and not all have pain.. I never bled but there was a lot of pain..

The hymen is the thin membrane that sometimes covers the opening to the vagina if you're a virgin.. I say "sometimes" because, even if you haven't had sex, the hymen can do a bit of a disappearing act due to an overzealous workout at the gym, horseback riding, tampons, and even passionate "heavy petting" with your boyfriend.. (It's not an impenetrable barrier, anyway, as it has holes to allow menstrual blood to escape..)

For some, the first few times might make you feel sore, as it's been an unused muscle or even hurt if you aren't properly lubricated, or if the guy is in a hurry, doesn't arouse you and/or your body isn't ready..

Relaxing, foreplay, (oral sex, more foreplay

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