17 pregnant?please answer a simple question???!

Question: 17 pregnant.?please answer a simple question.?.?.?
Okay so i got drunk with a friend and we had sex.. My last period was Aug 20th and i got off about the 27th or 26th.. okay we had sex lastnight Sep.. 1st and I was having a discharge earlier that day it was like white ...... if that matters any.. Okay im not on any Birth control and never have been im 17 and he didnt pull out he keep going then he quit I know stupid of us but he keep's telling me "Your pregnant because I havent had sex in 4 months and I dont smoke weed like your ex bf " Ive had unprotected sex before never got pregnant with my Ex and he never pulled out either but he smokes weed and my friend Will (who i had sex with) doesnt smoke and my ex and I would have sex a lot! My question is what the percent of being pregnant.? After sex we both went to sleep.. Thanks and please dont preech (sp) because im sure as hell getting on BC ASAP! L0l Thanks..Health Question & Answer

theres a 95/100% chance that you are preggo!Health Question & Answer

The answer I would give is that if your periods are usually around every 26-28 days,then you should normally ovulate 12-14 days before your next period.. This timeline would make it a very good possibility that you could be pregnant.. For the next month I would not do anything that would jepordize the health the health of a fetus in the off chance that you could be pregnant.. Then you have time to make a decision after you have a confirmed pregnancy test or period.. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

Just so you know, I know plenty of guys who smoke tons of weed and have gotten girls pregnant, it is absolutely no guarantee in terms of birth control.. Health Question & Answer

Wow! You've been busy, but I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself.. Your period was a few days ago, and if your that worried get a pregnancy test.. Get whoever to get one for you if you're embarrassed..Health Question & Answer

If you have a 28 day cycle........their's a high chance of you being pregnant.. actually.. very high chance from what this site I put your information into said.. Good luck girl.. Health Question & Answer

simple question get a pregnacy testtHealth Question & Answer

smoking weed has nothing to do with pregnancy..

Chances are, you're pregnant..
wait til your next period, and see if your missed it..
from there that see's if you need a test or not..

I suggest you get some birthcontrol,
and condoms.. not using condoms puts you in danger of std's and pregnancy.. So, you for sure want neither.. But you've got to wait it out..
And try not to stress yourself, because you'll over-stress and get what you'll think are pregnancy symptoms, and worry..

Best of luck though, and learn from lessons..
Health Question & Answer

Okay for one, while drugs may lower sperm count, it definitely doesn't make them sterile - you can still get pregnant.. also, it depends on how long your cycle and luteal phase is, but you were probably fertile around that time.. Sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days, and if you ovulate within that time you can get pregnant..

Okay, I know you do not want anyone to preach, but you really should use a condom.. I do not most of the time, but I am very strict on my fertility tracking and I am in a completely monogamous relationship.. I really think that is the only circumstance when you do not have to..

And, about birth control - birth control is really bad for your body.. If you are too irresponsible to handle taking control of your body and being careful with sex, I guess it is worth it, but there are other options.. For one, birth control can cause or make worse estrogen dominance (which really really sucks).. also, it permanently changes your hormone levels, is a known carcinogen (causes cancer), and has a slew of other symptoms.. I will put some links, please give them a look..

Good luck, and please, be careful!

Edit: I just realized I messed up my links!Health Question & Answer

I got pregnant with two of my kids after having sex one time each time......you are really lucky that you are not pregnant now already.. usually a week after you have sex you have ovulation to get pregnant.. you could go and get the morning after pill and get on birth control right away!!! or wait to see if you are pregnant already but then you will have a big deal to deal with.. I hope you will not have an abortion if you are.. it is so easy to get a depo shot and then you dont have to worry about pregnancy for a few months and there is an implant that lasts 2 years!!! why take the chance.?Health Question & Answer

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