Has anyone tried an IUD?!

Question: Has anyone tried an IUD.?
I tried both the hormonal (Mirena) and non-hormonal (ParaGard) and had HORRIBLE experiences with both..

I cannot personally recommend them, although a lot of women have success with them.. I personally don't think they're worth my life (and the Mirena nearly cost me mine!)..

EDIT: With ParaGard, I bled NONSTOP for 5 months.. The cramping from my "periods" (although heaven knows how I knew they were periods......the cramps & moodiness mostly!) were so bad I threw up, sex was unbearable, and I eventually had to have it removed because of severe anemia (from the bleeding)..
ParaGard, incidentally, is notorious for causing irregular bleeding, heavier periods and excruciating cramps........none of which the doctor shared with me prior to insertion..

With Mirena I had similar problems with pain (especially during sex and orgasm), and the IUD eventually tore through my uterus and ripped up my intestines, causing MASSIVE internal hemorrhaging and severe intestinal damage..

The IUD is not for everyone; 20% of all users have the device removed (regardless of brand) within 12 months due to adverse side effects or severe complications or infections..Health Question & Answer

I had one inserted last week and to be honest,it was just uncomfortable and a little pinching but when I noticed,it was over,I didn't really bleed a lot and cramping was ok-ish......I mean like regular period cramp..Overall the insertion was pretty good since I forgot to take motrin an hour earlier as I was adviced..

I am just hoping I don't expell it since I have a very short uterus(6 cm) and this can cause it to be expelled,specially since we had to try twice because the doctor said it didn't want to get in, but I am waiting to see if it sticks to me,I would really hate to go back to hormones..

I think we all react differently,depends on how your body handles the copper and on your pain tolerance..Health Question & Answer

I had the Mirena(hormonal) IUD insterted a little over a week ago.. The first week I had TERRIBLE cramping, and it was to the point where I had to steal one of my moms hydrocodone to relieve the pain.. I have never had a child, so that's why it hurt so badly.. The cramping is gone for the most part now, but I am going to see if I can have it removed on my 6 week check up because I feel "weird" with it in me.. The insertion hurts like hell too!!!!! I do NOT recommend them..Health Question & Answer

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