Help, No one helped me last time, not anyone. Health, Women , and Men!?!

Question: Help, No one helped me last time, not anyone.. Health, Women , and Men!.?
Ok well for about a month now, I have had A TON of clear or white mucas in the back of my throat , coming from my nose, also a stuffy nose, on and off sore throat , and I gag the mucas up all the time as sometimes, it feels weird to breathe.. My throat is partially blocked up sometimes..
* I have seasonal allergies, and I'm allergic to dust.. But we don't have much dust in the house..
Thanks in advance:)

* Plus it is worse at night when I'm lying down, it takes me sometimes 4 hours to fall asleep..
Health Question & Answer

This does not sound like strep throat to me.. The pain in your throat is probably being cause by the constant "running" of mucus..

It seems that you simply have severe allergies.. The fact that your mucus is clear/white and not yellow/green means that you also probably do not have a sinus infection.. This seems like an annoying problem but not a health risk..

Tell your ear, nose, and throat doctor what you are telling us.. He/she can probably prescribe a simple medication to ease or eliminate your symptoms..

also, humans can develop allergies at any time during their lives.. Perhaps you have recently become allergic to something that you are unaware of..Health Question & Answer

It sounds like sinusitis.. If you have allergies, it is very common to get sinusitis infections.. You might also have an upper respiratory infection because of the breathing problems, especially if lying down.. I know you don't want to hear this but you should see a doctor.. Sinusitis does not go away by itself.. If that's what you have you will need antibiotics..

Things to consider: Do you have a fever, even low grade.? Do you feel
tired more than usual.? It's been a month but has there been any improvement in that month or is it getting worse.. They say 10 days is the magic number.. I there is not improvement in your condition in 10 days, see a doctor.. Health Question & Answer

Maybe you would get help if you asked a question instead of just telling a story.. There's not one question in your post, not even an attempt at one..

I have seasonal and non-seasonal allergies too and I have all of those symptoms and more..

What did you want to know, or did you just want sympathy.?Health Question & Answer

I get the same thing..
It's a combination of post nasal drip and allergies..
There is dust and molds in the airducts (central air and heater), carpets, and bedding which you can breathe in.. They are not visible, but they are there..

See your doctor about getting allergy meds..Health Question & Answer

perhaps a sinus infection.. they can last for a really long time if untreated.. do you have sinus headaches and such.? i really recommend you go see a ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT) the specialize in these problems..Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry you feel so crummy.. I have alot of allergies, too..

I think you should go see your doctor.. Maybe you're having a mild asthma problem.?

Good luck!

Health Question & Answer

you probably have strep throat......
go to the doctor and have it checked out......
good luck..Health Question & Answer

Well it definitely sounds like allergies, as you said.. I would suggest getting a "Netty Pot" I believe is what it's called.. It looks like a tea pot kind of and you put water and a mixture that they give you and mix it in the thing.. Then you pour it down your nose and blow.. Sometimes you'll have to do it a few times to really clear out your sinuses and stuff, but it should work.. Yes I know you're probably grossed out right now from hearing that, but it has worked WONDERS for my dad and brother who usually get something like what you have.. So I would suggest trying that.. I may be wrong of what it's called, and I'm sorry if I am.. But it's something like that..

Best of luck!Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you are severely allergic to something.. You are describing the exact symptoms I get when cleaning my closet or under the bed due to a horrible allergy to dust.. You probably have developed a sinus infection from the buildup of bacteria in your excess nasal mucus.. You could even have an ear infection.. I recommend you see your doctor or allergist and describe your symptoms to him/her.. You may need to undergo more allergen testing and be prescribed an antibiotic for the infection and some sort of antihistamine or nasal corticosteroid.. I understand you probably don't have a lot of dust in your house, but neither do i.. My reaction is so severe that it doesn't really take a lot.. Have you cleaned under your bed lately.? That could be it, if it's when you try to sleep.. Curtains near the bed may need to be washed, carpets in the bedroom are a bad idea, etc.. I'm sure you know the drill.. Unfortunately, some individuals are super sensitive and that's just the way our lives are.. I hope this helps and I"m sorry nobody helped you before.. Health Question & Answer

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