I really need help calculating my next period and if I am pregnant...please help best answer gets 10 points?!

Question: I really need help calculating my next period and if I am pregnant......please help best answer gets 10 points.?
I really need help calculating my next period and if I am pregnant......please help best answer gets 10 points.?
I doubled up after missing pills the week of August 4th......then i decided to call it quits and stopped taking the pill August 9th.. I had a few more pills to take before the last row but just said F*** it.. Since me and my fiance are trying to conceive..(I am 35 and he is 43, and his mom is diagnosed with cancer so we decided to just let it be) We had unprotected sex that weekend and several times including this weekend since that date..

i spotted on August 5th, 6th and 7th....then stopped bleeding..
I got what I guess was a period from August 12th through August 22nd..
but it would stop then start again and some days it was very heavy and some days very light........I am trying to figure out when I would ovulate and when my next period would be..

now from Sunday, August 31st through today i have been having on and off cramping(pinching) around my ovaries.. I have had maybe two or three slight headaches which I never get.. When we had sex this past weekend, I got a sharp localized pain near my right ovary......oochh did it hurt!!! I had to lie still until it eased up then went away.. I have taken a few pregnancy tests since I stopped the pill and they all come back negative.. I even had a blood test done from my dermatologist back on August 14th which was negative......so I am wondering if I am ovulating and if so is there a chance of me being pregnant.. I can not figure out when to calculate when my period will begin again since it lasted so long and was on and off..
Health Question & Answer

So here is what I have found works with me.. start from the FIRST day of your MOST RECENT period, on the calendar count 29 days, your period should show up around that time.. (mine is always within 2 days before or after the 29 day mark) good luck! Health Question & Answer

What you are experiencing may be your body's way of saying, "I'm confused!" from coming off of the pill.. This is common, and usually not something to be concerned about..

However, the bleeding between periods can sometimes indicate infection.. If the bleeding lasts more than a week, you should contact your health care provider to rule out infection.. In many cases you can develop ovarian cysts or sometimes an infection can result in pelvic inflammatory disease in women.. This can be taken care of by medication..

It is possible to get pregnant when discontinuing the pill.. However, I know that you mentioned the spotting which can be a sign of pregnancy but not when it is followed by a on and off cycle of bleeding for 11 days.. I would ask a OBGYN about this for sure..

Once your cycle is regulated which will take approximatly 3-6 months then you can visit the site attached below to help figure out you most fertile days for conception.. I hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

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