I want to buy condoms...?!

Question: I want to buy condoms....?
im a 14 year old girl and im in high school. everyone at my school is either having sex or has had sex and im not saying im going to do it or im doing it to be cool because im still i virgin and plan to stay that way but... if something is going to happen i want to have condoms around and birth control. i have the birth control but what kind of condoms should i get.? i just need opinions. im not going to go around and have sex but i dont want answers like you are too young they are too young or dont have sex. please and thank you Health Question & Answer

I'm glad you're being responsible. Go to Wal-mart and buy them. I'd buy "her pleasure" or "enz". Both of those are trojan. They are the closest to the average size, so they tend to fit most guys. Be safe, but really just spend some time and read up on sex, from the consequences to the physiological responses, to people's personal stories. That way you're in the know of what to expect. also get a banana and one of those new condoms you bought and practice. It's not hard, but it takes a try or two and chances are if he's a virgin too, he may be just as lost as you. Send me an email if you need to talk!Health Question & Answer

You can get condoms almost everywhere... 7-11, pharmacies, gas stations, grocery stores, and no ones gonna even bat an eyelash at a 14 year old who wants them... and you can almost certainly get them for free at your local health clinic.

Just make sure they're reputable brand-name condoms and you'll be making a good choice.

Oh, and make sure you have some lube (I'd recommend "Wet Platinum", myself) when you decide you're ready to put the things to use... latex can feel sort of dry and "pull-y" on your vagina without it, and you'll be thankful not to have to put up with that.Health Question & Answer

just plain normal trojan condoms. Nothing fancy because you don't know how you'll react to different things in them. Normal condoms makes everyone happy. And just buy them in case don't listen to others that say different. Health Question & Answer

you can get them for free at a ton of places like free clinics and planned parenthood. other wise walk in to wal greens and buy them. you dont have to be a certain age. Health Question & Answer

Durex has some good ones but Trojan has some good ones for girls pleasure.Health Question & Answer

You can always go to planned parenthood and get condoms; usually they're free.

You can also just go to any store and buy them; they don't ID like they do for cigarettes or alcohol, you know! I'd recommend the tried & true's: Trojans...and extra lube (both on the condom and in a bottle - ID, KY, AstroGlide, etc). Condom failure (tearing) usually occurs because there is not enough lubrication!

Finally, while I will throw in my two cents about 14 being WAY too young to have sex, THANK YOU for being responsible enough to know that you DO need protection from both pregnancy and STD's. Just remember: NO method is ever 100% reliable in either area! BE CAREFUL please!Health Question & Answer

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