Making yourslef throw up?!

Question: Making yourslef throw up.?
What is to happen when after you eat a fairly big meal you make yourself throw up but only like three times not to where you throw up everything you ate just some of it.?Health Question & Answer

There are so many bad things that happen to your body when you throw up regularly. One of them is that your electrolytes can get imbalanced and that regulates your heart. This is extremely damaging and can cause heart palpatations, heart attack, and death! Your esophogus can also rupture leading to death. Your stomach also can rupture causing death! The constant exposure of stomach aicds can ruin the enamal on your teeth as well. It is not a good idea at all. It becomes addictive and before you know it you can't stop and it controls your life. Not a good thing. I wasted away years of my life by doing this, and have spent lots of money on therapy and a psychologist. Now I have the possibility of infertility due to my self induced behavior. It is a painful situation. You need to seek help now before it gets completely out of control!Health Question & Answer

Well, your body will not be able to extract the essential nutrients in the food you have just eaten, e.g vitamins and minerals. What's more, when your body is lack of carbohydrates, proteins or fats, your body would not be able to function properly as your body tissues do not receive enought nutrients and function normally or carry out the daily activities, etc growth or building up of new protoplasm. Bulimia nervosa, is one illness that might develop if you keep experiencing the need to throw up what you eat.Health Question & Answer

What can happen if you keep doing it is you can damage your stomach instestines from the acid that you are vomitting up, this can also burn your throat and casue damage.
Dont throw up your food deliberately, its called being bulimic and is very, very dangerous.
If you are actually overweight talk to your doctor about sensible eating plans and excersise routines to lose weight the healthy wayHealth Question & Answer

Aka Bulimia.?

I seriously doubt you'd only throw up a portion of what you ate if you induce this on yourself though.

Consequences of this do include the enamel on your teeth to wear away from your stomach acid and severe damage to your esophagus because of all your stomach acids traveling through it.Health Question & Answer

first your stomach acid is going to erode your esophagus which can lead to cancer, not to mention what it does to your teeth and your breath. It's not a good habit to get into to. try walking and drinking water and increasing fiber and decreasing fats first and if you go off the deep what you can get back to eating healthy next meal.Health Question & Answer

well you can get a addicted and become bulimic not worth your life honey. I don't your size but either way not healthy for you. If your a big girl just email me at and I wil give you some diet advice if that what your looking for.Health Question & Answer

First of all, you have a problem. Throwing up is a horrible disease and you need help. Plus, throwing up is very bad for your teeth. Vomit that comes from your stomach is very acidic and basically slowly rotts your teeth.Health Question & Answer


Throwing up is not always the answer.
I've gone down that path, it just gets worse.
It will make you feel nasty inside and out.

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I wish you the best..

<3 AllyHealth Question & Answer

Once you trigger yourself, you'll probably end up throwing up everything. Your body registers the first throw up as sickness and your body will keep going. It will probably be an all night ordeal. Don't do it.Health Question & Answer

Sounds as if you are bullimic. Which is a very bad, sometimes deadly eating disorder. I say you tell this to your mother/older sister/someone who you trust and get some help before it gets bad.Health Question & Answer

That sounds like bulimia and you should get help w/ this problem. Bulimia can cause some serious dental damage, problems w/ your esophagus,hair loss, changes in menstrual cycle and most important DEATH!Health Question & Answer

please stop doing that because you are wasting your vitamins and your teeth are getting missed up . Whatever you do plz stop throwing up Health Question & Answer

Otherwise known as bulimia.Health Question & Answer

its unhealthyHealth Question & Answer

im sorry but thats a very confusing question... but anyways it doesnt sound like a good ideaHealth Question & Answer

what happens is that you are a bulimic, whether you believe it or not.Health Question & Answer

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