Question: VIRGINITY HELP....?! IDK WHAT TO DO...!!!!.?
This guy who is 16, hes really ugly btw. anyways... he says he wants me to be his first and im 14. should i.? and will it hurt i ride horses, bikes, etc. Health Question & Answer

If you don't like him, don't have sex with him! Is it your first time, too.? You'll remember it forever and you want a memory like that to be with someone you care about. also, at age 16 most guys are just looking to get off, so he'll just use you and move on. No one wants to feel disposable! GIRL, don't have sex with someone you don't care about, not at age 14! Once you start having casual sex like that, it's a hard habit to break.... and it also becomes a dangerous habit too!Health Question & Answer

First... really be *sure* you wanna "do it" with this guy.

You're a virgin, and your first full-on sex *should* be with someone you're really gonna want to *be* that intimate with for a while, and I don't just mean the physical intimacy because there's a lot of mental and emotional stuff that comes with the hormones and hangups that fill the sexual territory between partners. You'll be MUCH better and happier for choosing such a person, even if that "while" only turns out to be a few weeks... trust me on this point, OK.?

First-timing can be pretty disappointing for girls, not just because it's often painful (at least at first), but also because nervousness and awkwardness for both of you can make it very difficult for *you* to concentrate on your own pleasure. You don't have to worry too much about *his* pleasure: except for some possible emotional stuff, he's going to enjoy it a *lot* - even his first time. Young men are lucky that way, sure, but it's also a very rare man indeed (but not at all a rare woman) who can have several orgasms in less than half an hour. :-)

Advice.? Tips.? Good things to plan for and think about.?

Make sure you have lots of privacy for quite a long time (two hours or more is a good idea) because not only might there be some uncomfortable, embarrassing or painful moments along the way, but there's more to the first time than just "doing it", and you'll have a lot of stuff to talk about afterwards - you do *not* want any of this to be interrupted.

When it comes to intercourse, tell your guy that *you* will be the one to say "stop" if anything's wrong (like pain, or even if you just chicken out) and that it's up to him to remember that when you tell him "stop".

Don't even *try* unless you're very turned on and very slippery... a couple of orgasms first will also help your vagina to be stretchier and more insistent on having something inside - and if you don't get very wet no matter how horny you are, have some water-based lube (KY, Astroglide, Wet or similar) handy and no matter what, go SLOW until you're comfortable.

That lube will also help prevent breakage of the condom. Yes, the condom. There's a name for people who rely on "pulling out" as a method of avoiding pregnancy: "parents"... or sometimes "parents with STDs".

Any pain you may feel will go away in a few minutes to a couple of days (sometimes there's a little bruising), and after it's over with, each time will be *much* better if you stick to everything above.

Oral sex is also fine any time at all for either person, at least if both of them are comfortable with it and enjoy it. Doing it until the person receiving has an orgasm is nicest, but it isn't necessary. (Oh... and there's nothing wrong with a mouthful of hair when it tastes like a horny woman... there's no need to be shaved unless you like it that way yourself).

I'm a guy, and I'm almost 50 years old, but I would have benefited hugely from most of this advice myself the first time *I* had sex - at age 13.

Since then, I've raised 4 kids who've grown up to be fairly responsible and (more important) sexually healthy people. I'd *like* to think that their mothers and I were the ones who helped them to become that way.
Health Question & Answer

Please wait! I rode horses and bikes and waited until I got married to have sex. I bled a bunch and my husband was very sweet and understanding and stopped when I asked him because it hurt so much. Even if you don't intend to wait until you're married, 14 is way too young, especially if you don't even care about the guy.Health Question & Answer

your only 14 and if you have sex your most likely going to regret it later on. if your asking this question then your not ready and when you do have sex it should be with someone you love and dating. not with some guy who just wants to have sex and you think is ugly. overall though i really thing you should wait...i bet you can say no. i'm 17 and i know how guys that age are. trust me...focus on friends, family and school Health Question & Answer

NO Don't give up your virginity just because some guy wants to lose his with you, you will end up regretting it if you do, wait for someone who you love, respect, and trust and who loves,respect,and trust you right back (hopefully you will wait until you get married) Just let him know you aren't ready Health Question & Answer

well, it sounds like you dont want to. but how could anyone on here really tell you how to make up your mind. i personally think that is too young to have sex. but if you do, no it shouldnt hurt to ride horses or bikes. but it is probably going to hurt when it happens, depending on youHealth Question & Answer

no, don't give up your viginity, save it for someone special, and you will know when the time is right, stop rushing yourself, and it seems as if you don't even like the guy. your only 14, you have a long life ahead of you.Health Question & Answer

you should wait till your ready and it should be with someone you really really really care about. personally, i can't say much since i lost mine at 15 but i do wish i had waited till i was older and with someone i cared deeper for.Health Question & Answer


No don't give up your virginity! You can't ever get it back, save yourself for your husband. Please I hope that you make the right choice. God blessHealth Question & Answer

Red flags.

"this guy"

"he's really ugly"

He's 16

You are only 14

Big red flag. Save it for someone you love and care about. And get on birth control first!
Health Question & Answer

Don't do it, just for the sake of doing it. Especailly if you don't even like the guy.Health Question & Answer

why would you wanna do it if you dont even like the guy!! and hes ugly!! don't do it!Health Question & Answer

I myself do not want to be a hypocrite, but I do think its too young and even if you have to loose it make sure he is drop dead gorgeous! AND THIS BETTER NOT BE MY SISTER IN LAW... DESI!Health Question & Answer

Heck no!!! Your too young to be having sex.Health Question & Answer

DONT DO ITTTTHealth Question & Answer

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